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Thought leadership

The Gig Economy Comes to Dentistry: Temps in the Busy Dental Clinic

Sep 6th, 2023

Julian Perez, Chief Legal Officer, dentalcorp; Nicola Deall, Chief People Officer, dentalcorp

Lessons Learned from dentalcorp’s First Good Catch Campaign

May 31st, 2023

Kristy Pilatzke, Risk and Compliance Officer, dentalcorp

My Systems Are Compromised, Now What?

May 24th, 2023

Julian Perez, Chief Legal Officer, dentalcorp; Jeff Forbes, Chief Technology Officer, dentalcorp

Let’s Get Excited About Medical History Forms

Apr 26th, 2023

Julian Perez, J.D., Chief Legal Officer, dentalcorp

Avoiding Endodontic Malpractice Pitfalls

Jan 25th, 2023

Several years ago, I read an article published in a popular magazine by a patient who was denouncing the endodontist who had just treated them. After a quick computer search of my patients’ files, I was relieved when it was apparent that this was not my patient.

Keeping Your Practice and Patient Information Safe: Cyber Security Tips from dentalcorp

Jan 3rd, 2023

With the rise of technology in healthcare, it is more important than ever to protect your data.

The Rights and Responsibilities of Dental Patients

Nov 22nd, 2022

Because of the special relationship that exists between a healthcare provider and a patient, dental practices must be dedicated to the well-being of their patients.

What Are Great Teams Made Of?

Nov 11th, 2022

Google has taken some deep dives into what makes for a great team member and has also conducted research into the attributes of effective teams. In 2012 Google conducted a well-known study called Project Aristotle which sought to understand the characteristics of high-performing teams, and the results were surprising.

Time to Re-evaluate the Role of Dentists in Preventing Head and Neck Cancers

Oct 28th, 2022

A new patient walks into your practice. They’re in their early twenties, and generally healthy. After reporting their medical history, which reveals struggles with mental health, they tell you, “I’m not happy with my smile. I want white crowns on my teeth. My grandfather recently died and left me $40,000.”

Radical Candor and the Patient-Dentist Relationship

Oct 19th, 2022

A new patient walks into your practice. They’re in their early twenties, and generally healthy. After reporting their medical history, which reveals struggles with mental health, they tell you, “I’m not happy with my smile. I want white crowns on my teeth. My grandfather recently died and left me $40,000.”

Mise en Place - Out of the Kitchen and into the Operatory

Sep 28th, 2022

The concept of mise en place (Everything in its place), a modus operandi conceived and perfected in gourmet restaurants, could significantly improve the quality and consistency of the treatment and patient experience provided in dental offices.

The Power of Punctuality: Overcoming Chronic Tardiness

Aug 31st, 2022

It was author Eric Dickey who coined the phrase, early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable. Despite our access to multiple devices with alarms and reminders, many of us still find ourselves dashing into work, uttering a breathless apology to our colleagues and patients – who notably arrived on time. Why does this continue to happen? 

Rethinking the Role of Human Error in Dentistry

Aug 16th, 2022

Dental offices are fast-paced, complex enterprises that adhere to rigorous infection prevention and control (IPAC) standards and other procedures designed to promote safety and prevent incidents. Despite the myriad regulations and controls in place, accidents inevitably happen. The question, then, is why?

One Day at a Time: Mapping Your Road to Wellness

Jul 27th, 2022

Many of us want to incorporate healthier habits into our lifestyles, but the mere thought of a wellness routine is daunting. You floss, you brush, you exercise, and think to yourself, “there are only so many hours in the day!” I recently read a great article by Jamie Millar about this very topic, and I’ll summarize what I’ve learned from my research.

The Art of Communication: Improving the Quality of Informed Consent Discussions in Dentistry

Jul 6th, 2022

Prior to receiving dental care, patients in Canada have the right to be fully informed. This means that oral healthcare clinicians must advise their patients of all reasonable treatment options, the associated risks and benefits, and the rate of success or failure of each procedure (or test) that is recommended. Informed consent is a legal and ethical duty for dentists and dental hygienists. More importantly, it is an integral part of building trust within the patient-provider relationship a...

The Safety Dance: Going from Near Misses to Good Catches

Jun 10th, 2022

Imagine the following scenario: A temporary dental assistant loads a sterilizer before lunch, and despite pressing the start button, the sterilizer fails to begin the reprocessing cycle. Another assistant returns later to unload the pouches. In a rush because one of their appointments ran long, they fail to confirm the status of the indicators, incorrectly marking the instruments as passed (i.e. sterilized), and subsequently store and distribute the instruments.

Top Considerations For Your Practice Transition

Apr 13th, 2022

It’s never too early to think about the future of your practice. Having a long-term plan ensures the hard work you put into building your business continues to pay off when you’re ready to transition and sell your practice. To make sure your team and patients are well cared for, keep these key considerations in mind as you plan for the future.

Communicating Oral Inflammation: A Chair-Side Conversation That Can Change a Life

Mar 28th, 2022

Throughout my career I have seen communication strategies of active inflammation evolve, and now more than ever this is the foundation of client centered care, and oral health education. We are detectives with a purpose to identify active infections in a client’s mouth along with ensuring our clients are well informed of their current condition and what must take place to work towards overall health.

The Silent Pandemic: Dentistry in the Time of Opioids

Mar 11th, 2022

Like many other professions, the dental world has wrestled with whether and how to implement vaccine policies. dentalcorp’s Dr. Gary Glassman, Chief Dental Officer, and Julian Perez, SVP, Risk Management & Compliance, offer guidance to help practices navigate vaccine policies.

International Women's Day Profile Michelle McAra

Mar 8th, 2022

International Women's Day Profile Michelle McAra. Michelle McAra wears many hats. An executive, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and the leader of an all-male Partnership Development team.

International Women's Day 2022: Celebrating Women in Dentistry

Mar 8th, 2022

In recognition of International Women's Day, we spoke with our partner Dr. Rachel Navaneelan, to discuss how she became an inspirational woman in dentistry and a pillar in her community. 

dentalcorp to Match Dental Community Donations Supporting Urgent Humanitarian Aid Efforts in Ukraine

Mar 3rd, 2022

As Canadians, and as a network passionate about our shared values, we cannot and will not sit idly by. We stand with Ukraine.

Finding Your Breath in a Busy World

Feb 8th, 2022

You’re half an hour behind and you have three hygiene checks to perform. Mrs. Brown’s implant crown popped off while an assistant was taking an impression, not to mention the servers are down and the receptionists are panicking.

Getting It Right: Vaccine Policies in Dentistry

Jan 24th, 2022

Like many other professions, the dental world has wrestled with whether and how to implement vaccine policies. dentalcorp’s Dr. Gary Glassman, Chief Dental Officer, and Julian Perez, SVP, Risk Management & Compliance, offer guidance to help practices navigate vaccine policies.

5 Essentials of Well-being

Jan 10th, 2022

Professional athletes place as much importance on their rest and recovery as on their performance strategy. Why? Because the time we spend recharging directly impacts our ability to perform and thrive both personally and professionally, as well as cope with stress. With life’s daily demands, it is essential to manage our personal well-being so we can be the best professionals, parents, partners, and friends we can be.

Reducing Noise in Dentistry: The Role of AI in Improving Radiographic Interpretation

Dec 15th, 2021

A patient emails 20 different dentists her recently taken full mouth series of x-rays, stating, “My previous dentist took these just before I moved to town. The move was sudden (work related), so my dentist never had a chance to tell me what work I needed done. I’m here for two years on assignment, and I’m looking for a new dentist. Please review the attached x-rays and let me know if any treatment is required and when I can get an appointment.”

Holiday Self-Care: Recharging Ahead of a New Year

Dec 6th, 2021

In our profession, there has always been a big push through December leading into the holiday season, which can be both mentally and physically taxing for the entire practice team. This year, the impact of this hectic time was further amplified by our second full year of maneuvering amid a global pandemic.

Making Your Team’s Well-being a Top Priority

Dec 1st, 2021

Since the onset of the pandemic, our personal and professional lives have been turned upside down in ways we could never have imagined. In addition to adopting rigorous health & safety protocols and procedures in our practices, we also go above and beyond in our daily interactions with our patients to ensure they feel safe and supported while in our care. But what about our own well-being?

Speaking Up About Safety Incidents: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Oct 25th, 2021

With the colder weather approaching, I begin to think of the many times I’ve (quite literally) been on a slippery slope. Have you ever noticed that when we slip on ice, often the first thing we do is look around and hope nobody saw? When you think about it, wouldn’t it be better if people did see us so that they would know to avoid the icy patch or put salt down to prevent others from slipping and falling? We may have avoided injury, but the next person to come along may not be as lucky, esp...

Entering the World of Dentistry: 5 Pieces of Advice for the New Grad

Oct 20th, 2021

Like any profession, stepping into the real world of dentistry after graduation can be intimidating. Building a plan for your development now will help set you up for a successful and rewarding dental career in the long term. While dental school provides you with a strong foundation, a significant proportion of the knowledge and skills you will need to be successful in dental practice are learned after graduation.

National Infection Control Week: Utilizing Effective Sterilization Processes for Optimal Practice Safety

Oct 18th, 2021

In dentistry, infection prevention and control (IPAC) is of paramount importance, and sterilization centres play a vital role in protecting the health and safety of patients and practice teams. However, each dental practice must have safeguards in place to ensure that instruments are being sterilized safely and effectively.

Adopting Peer Review in Dentistry

Sep 27th, 2021

Now, more than ever before, dental practitioners can seamlessly communicate with their colleagues through an array of online platforms, forums, and social media groups. While this modern technology allows practitioners to conveniently share interesting cases, ask questions, and learn from others, this informal type of interaction has a number of limitations as it relates to information control, including accountability, tracking, and follow-up. This is where formal professional peer review, ...

Preparing for the Return to Oral Health Routines

Aug 30th, 2021

With the end of summer nearing, many Canadians are settling back into a routine with an increased focus on healthy habits. Numerous patients have delayed care for quite some time, and the demand ahead for treatment plans will be significant. As such, dental practices must be ready to support a return to packed patient schedules.

Medical Emergencies in Dental Practices: Six Ps for Ensuring Preparedness

Jul 28th, 2021

Dentists are highly trained and skilled health care professionals and, as such, are legally and professionally obligated to recognize and manage medical emergencies. This includes iatrogenic events and emergencies occurring by chance, such as a patient fainting in the waiting room. Adequately preparing for medical emergencies requires not only the proper drugs and equipment, but also training, teamwork, and a culture of safety that permeates throughout the entire dental practice.

Virtual Treatment Planning: 5 Tips for Providing a Convenient & Secure Patient Experience

Jul 19th, 2021

In a (post) pandemic world, where the population is more aware of the risks of airborne transmission and “work from anywhere” has become de rigueur, some patients will prefer to avoid commuting to the dental practice as often. But that doesn’t mean a dental practice should give up on the relationship it has built with those patients. By utilizing remote virtual methods like videoconferences to execute consultations and diagnoses, clinicians can conveniently connect with patients from the com...

Misadventures in Endodontics: Turning a Negative into a Positive

Jul 6th, 2021

As a specialist, a significant portion of my patients present after endodontic treatment has failed or was abandoned mid-treatment, due to an unforeseen complication. Throughout my career, I have seen my fair share of my own failed treatments, and I have witnessed the distress these situations can cause my colleagues as I certainly know they cause me many a sleepless night.

Great Expectations: Navigating Warranties and Guarantees in Dentistry

Jun 17th, 2021

Every dentist aims to please by providing their patients with optimal treatment outcomes. This dedication to success can sometimes lead a dentist to offer patients a guarantee (a promise of a satisfactory outcome) or a warranty (a time-limited agreement to replace, repair or refund a defect in material or workmanship). Other dentists may feel obligated to offer a guarantee or warranty when practicing in a competitive market or in response to a patient’s request. Whatever the reason, it is es...

Cavities: Can You Stomach It?

Jun 14th, 2021

According to the World Health Organization’s March 25th, 2020 report on oral health, dental caries remains the number one dental issue globally to this day. While we are seeing a decrease in dental caries in both fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities in Canada, there is still much work to be done.

Staying the Course: Tips for Remaining Vigilant in an Ever-Evolving Pandemic

Jun 7th, 2021

A year-and-a-half into this ever-evolving pandemic and we find ourselves in the grip of a third wave. The pandemic has caused a significant change in all of our lives. The only constant we’ve had is the constant of the unknown. The virus has proved to be relentless and efforts to contain the spread require a consistent effort to follow regulatory and public health guidelines.

Time to Say Goodbye: Best Practices for Dismissing a Patient from Your Dental Practice

May 24th, 2021

The dentist-patient relationship is the core of dentistry. Just like in any relationship, there inevitably will be a negative experience, and nearly all dentists will need to dismiss a patient at some point in their careers. Dismissals can be upsetting for patients and stressful for dentists. Regardless of whether you have conducted a patient dismissal previously, it is always good to review and possibly revise your dismissal procedure to ensure you follow the best practices for terminating ...

Name It to Tame It: Labelling Emotions to Reduce Stress & Anxiety

May 3rd, 2021

Dr. Dan Siegel coined the phrase, name it to tame it. Psychologist David Rock states, “when you experience significant internal tension and anxiety, you can reduce stress by up to 50% by simply noticing and naming your state.” Abblett further explains, if we can see the emotion, we do not have to be the emotion. Noticing and naming our emotions helps create some distance between the emotion and the intense feelings that accompany it.

5 Common Pitfalls of Patient Privacy

Apr 6th, 2021

The original Hippocratic Oath, one of the oldest binding documents in history, dates back to the fourth century B.C. A 1943 translation of the Oath reads, "What I may see or hear in the course of the treatment or even outside of the treatment … I will keep to myself." Much has changed in the 2,500 years since Hippocrates swore never “to use the knife;” however, the notion that doctors owe patients an ethical duty of privacy has withstood the test of time. Modern dentists must comply with fed...

Dental Hygiene Visits and Overall Health During COVID-19

Apr 5th, 2021

It’s been just about a year since we all began living in our COVID-19 inspired modified reality. As industry professionals, we know the importance of regular dental hygiene appointments and we have a responsibility to ensure our patients are protecting their oral health.

World Oral Health Day: Top 5 Tips for Optimal Gum Health

Mar 20th, 2021

According to the Canadian Dental Association (CDA), seven out of 10 Canadians will develop gum disease at some time in their lives. Taking care of your gums is very important, not only to protect your teeth, but also because the state of your gums can impact other health conditions you may have. Gingivitis and periodontitis are two forms of gum disease, both of which are the results of bacterial infection in your gums, ligaments and bone around the teeth. While gum disease progresses slowly,...

Building a Safety Culture in Your Practice: A Worthwhile Investment

Mar 17th, 2021

There are many definitions for culture, including “the systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people.” Safety culture within an organization comprises the values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to—and the style and proficiency of—a health and safety program. In dentistry, as in healthcare in general, safety culture involves an unwavering commitment to the wellbeing of patients and team members.

Top Tips for Email Security

Feb 8th, 2021

As the digital world continues to evolve, so, too, do online scams. In recent years, phishing email scams have become increasingly prevalent and sophisticated. The following tips will help you combat security threats and keep your practice’s data safe.

Best Practices for Retaining Your Patients of Record

Jan 11th, 2021

An industry best-practice is to book your patients for their next dental appointment before they leave your clinic. Ideally, this is done through the dental hygienist in the operatory. This practice ensures that your patients are kept on track to receive optimal patient care. Establishing a culture of prioritizing pre-appointments can be achieved by reviewing pre-appointment numbers with all practice team members and holding staff accountable for pre-booking their patients.

Key Hiring Tips for the New Year

Jan 5th, 2021

The start of a new year is an opportune time to assess your resources as you begin to execute your goals – one such resource being your pool of talent. The below are useful tips to keep in mind as you set out to add top performers to your roster in the year ahead.

Understanding Procedure Codes: A Practical Look at Risks and Ethics

Dec 14th, 2020

Proper procedure coding within your practice is important on many levels, from ensuring accurate payment for dentists to creating a valid record of patient care. Failing to use appropriate procedure codes can lead to all kinds of mischief for dentists as well as poor outcomes for patients. Indeed, accurate procedure coding is a legal requirement with serious consequences for those who fail to abide by the regulations. The following are examples of misconduct that can result from the intentio...

New Year, New You: Filling Your Resilience Toolbox for a Stronger Self

Dec 7th, 2020

2020 brought tremendous change, hardship, and loss for a great many of us. We were catapulted out of our comfort zones as we had to adjust to the new normal. With a new year around the corner, we have a unique opportunity to recognize how unprepared we may have been to handle an abrupt change to our daily routines, not to mention a bubbling level of sustained anxiety. Let’s discuss how we can learn from our current situation and fill our toolboxes with instruments of resilience that can guid...

Implementing the 2018 Classification of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases into Your Practice

Dec 4th, 2020

By now you would have seen or heard of the new classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases, which replaced the previous (1999) classification system and addressed most of its limitations. Research indicates that 80% of North American adults have some form of periodontal disease, while evidence also indicates that there is a link between oral and systemic health.

The Importance of Practicing Self-Care During Uncertain Times

Nov 16th, 2020

2020 has been a year of tremendous social and economic hardship across the world. Living amidst a global pandemic has forced us to rethink many aspects of our lives. This time of uncertainty has undoubtedly tested our emotional strength and well-being. That said, it has also presented a unique opportunity for us all to realign, refocus, and reevaluate what it is that we really want and need when it comes to self-care.

Driving Patient Growth Through Your Digital Footprint

Nov 3rd, 2020

With the rise of the digital savvy consumer and an increase in a younger patient demographic, the digital landscape plays a key factor in driving growth for your practice. Whether a potential patient has received a referral or heard of you through word of mouth, most patients will go online to ensure you are credible.

Dentistry in a Time of Covid: What to Expect in the “New Normal”

Oct 26th, 2020

Dentistry has faced more challenges in the last six months than in any similar span of time in history. A torrent of information about COVID-19 has overwhelmed not only practice teams, but all of society. Patients and dental team members alike have concerns about the safety of providing and receiving oral health care. Variations in infection prevention and control (IPAC) standards between the provincial regulatory bodies and public health authorities have sown further confusion. Every day, n...

2020 National Infection Control Week: Look How Far We’ve Come

Oct 19th, 2020

In celebration of National Infection Control Week, I’d like to take this opportunity to reflect on just how far the world of dentistry has come in protecting the health and safety of our patients and team members.

World Mental Health Day: Understanding Our Impact on the Wellbeing of Our Patients

Oct 10th, 2020

Today is World Mental Health Day and, under normal circumstances, this would just be another Saturday for most. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, every year, 1 in 5 people will experience a mental health problem or illness. New research will undoubtedly reveal those numbers have grown exponentially given our current environment.

Let’s Get This Straight: 3 Tips for Delivering the Ultimate Ortho Experience

Oct 5th, 2020

In my 28 years practicing and lecturing internationally on orthodontics, I have seen tremendous outcomes and great failures – mine included! In celebration of National Orthodontic Health Month, I’d like to share a few of my key learnings in the field to help you deliver the ultimate ortho experience.

Revisiting Dental Advertising Regulations 30 years after Rocket v. RCDSO

Sep 28th, 2020

In the summer of 1990, the Supreme Court of Canada issued its verdict in Rocket v. Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, [1990] 2 S.C.R. 232 (“Rocket v. RCDSO”), a case that weighed “the need to regulate the scope of professional advertising” against “the value of free expression.” Back in June of 1990, the world was a different place. The world-wide-web did not exist; as a matter of fact, the first website wouldn’t be built until 1991. The terms social media, smart phone and search e...

World Patient Safety Day 2020

Sep 17th, 2020

September 17th marks the celebration of World Patient Safety Day. Today and everyday we are deeply committed to keeping our patients and team members safe.

Keeping Our Guards Up on the Road to Recovery

Sep 15th, 2020

Today, dentists are faced with the “new normal”: the post-COVID-19 era that they have been adapt- ing to over the past few months. But change doesn’t come easy, and it certainly isn’t free.

Leveraging HR Best Practices to Prepare for the Future

Sep 10th, 2020

Effective human resources (HR) initiatives are vital for any practice to operate successfully. In order to build a productive and fulfilling employee and patient experience, practice leaders must thoroughly understand what everyone values. Dental practices need to stay on top of HR best practices so team members can focus on the most important aspect of all — providing optimal patient care.

The Antiquated Approach: Rethinking the Role of a Broker

Aug 22nd, 2020

Prior to joining the dental industry, I acted as counsel to one of Canada’s largest IIROC-regulated brokerage firms – a hyper regulated space in the financial industry where regulators and business stakeholders shared one ultimate goal: the protection of investors and their investments. Regulators monitored broker activities, conflicts, and investor-facing communication, holding brokers to high ethical and professional standards, and enforcing strict disciplinary actions if their rules or st...

Patient Safety and Dentistry: 20 years after “To Err is Human”

Aug 17th, 2020

Dentistry is inherently risky. How many things can go wrong? A paper published in 2016 in the Journal of the American Dental Association counted 747 unique ways dental care could result in injury.

Your Duty as an Employer to Keep Your Patients and Team Members Safe

Aug 13th, 2020

A common goal amongst healthcare professionals is to promote and protect the health and well-being of patients. A mindful approach must also be taken to help make your team members feel supported and safe – especially during these uncertain times.

Caring for Your Back in Dentistry

Aug 4th, 2020

Whether you’re a dentist, dental hygienist or assistant, you work in a fabulous profession! Dental professionals take care of people for a living, our industry is relatively recession-proof and the dental field enjoys a well-deserved prestige. While clinical practice can be very rewarding, it can also take a physical toll on our bodies with the potential to negatively affect both our professional and personal lives. That was certainly what happened to me.

When Will I Be Happy? It’s All Relative

Jul 31st, 2020

When we’re young, we dream and imagine what life will be like when we grow up. Over time, we subconsciously edit these fantasies, adding scenes from the lives of others with the misguided thought that they will bring us joy.

4 Tips to Move More & Feel Better

Jul 28th, 2020

You have heard it time and time again, exercise is good for you. Although we know this to be true, it often gets de-prioritized for other life tasks and it can feel like a chore. However, with the right tools and mindset, you can make movement easier, more enjoyable, and more beneficial!

Making Workplace Health & Safety a Number One Priority

Jul 20th, 2020

Every workplace in Canada shares the common goal of maintaining a healthy and safe work environ-ment. Protecting yourself and your team members by adopting the principles of safety in the work-place isn’t just important, the success of your practice depends on it.

Leading Through a Pandemic: Strengthening Your Relationships with Patients and Team Members

Jun 25th, 2020

The COVID-19 global crisis has forced everyone to think differently. Have you thought about how your leadership will be remembered during this pandemic?

How to Prepare for Physical Distancing in Your Practice

Jun 18th, 2020

In an effort to stem the spread of COVID-19 and help keep communities safe, public health authorities have emphasized the need for physical distancing among community members. According to Health Canada, physical distancing refers to keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home. We’re currently required to keep at least six feet apart from other people, to stay out of crowded places, and to avoid mass gatherings.

Gulp! Preventing and Managing Accidental Ingestion and Aspiration in Dentistry

Jun 15th, 2020

In oral healthcare, ingestion or aspiration of foreign objects are significant iatrogenic events. These mishaps are by their very nature unexpected, and successful prevention and management are key to minimizing potential adverse consequences. While relatively rare, dental literature is filled with reports of ingested or aspirated dental burs, implant components, endodontic files, amalgam fragments, crowns, extracted teeth, pins, posts, rubber dam clamps, impression materials, and many mor...

Dentistry in the Era of Covid-19: Adhering to the New Normal

Jun 8th, 2020

Routine and elective dentistry came to a screeching halt in March. Across the country, we sheltered in place, waiting for the storm to pass. Fortunately, Phase 1 of the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us. Now, it is time to get back to work, but dentistry has changed. Although this crisis began abruptly, public health experts are warning that it will be a long time before we get back to our old ways.  As members of the dental profession, we must adhere to the new normal.

Effective Communication for the Overall Wellbeing of Your Team

May 28th, 2020

We are currently living in a time of immense uncertainty, and the unknown can be stressful and anxiety-provoking for many. With the release of new information regarding the easing of coronavirus restrictions and lockdown measures, there will undoubtedly be anxiety amongst team members at the mere thought of returning to work.

The Power of Opinion in the Digital World

May 21st, 2020

Word of mouth can be considered the oldest form of marketing, dating back to the 1600’s. Originating with the town crier, word of mouth marketing has evolved throughout the years from storytelling and street plays to modern social media. In today’s hyper-connected world, the impact of information spread through word of mouth is amplified and accessible to an even broader audience.

Fostering Team Engagement for Practice Success

May 1st, 2020

It has long been suggested that engaged team members are more productive within—and loyal to—their organizations. Team engagement is a critical driver for practice success. Engaged team members are not just satisfied with their jobs, they are energized by them. Despite these benefits, many of us fall short on engaging our employees or find ourselves stumped on where to start.

COVID-19 brings additional considerations when selling your practice

Apr 22nd, 2020

While no one can predict the long-term social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have already seen significant job losses and economic turmoil. Dentistry, like most industries, has not been spared.

World Oral Health Day 2020: Best Practices for Ensuring Safe & Effective Care in the Wake of COVID-19

Mar 20th, 2020

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare systems have been felt on a global scale –dental communities being no exception. In response to the virus’ rapid spread in Canada, regulatory authorities across the country have recently advised dental practices to reschedule all non-essential dental treatments, reserving treatment for emergency cases only.

Due Diligence When Purchasing a Dental Practice: A Risk and Compliance Perspective

Mar 3rd, 2020

Purchasing a dental practice can have a lasting impact on a dentist’s career and is one of—if not the—largest investments of a lifetime. Acquiring the right practice can provide a dentist with meaning and satisfaction for years to come; however, buying the wrong one can leave a dentist worse off than owning no practice at all. Such an important decision requires careful deliberation, attention to detail and due diligence.

Extraordinary times for the dental industry: Adapting to rigorous new IPAC standards

Jan 9th, 2020

The dental profession is going through an extraordinary period of change; technology is rapidly advancing, research is expanding in a variety of new directions, regulations are being revised, and expectations about what a visit to the dentist means are evolving.  Change is exciting, but it can also be stressful. Over the past few years, the media, regulatory bodies, and the general public have taken a greater interest in Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC).

The Dental Clinical Companion: 007 Dr. Gary Glassman, “Enjoying My Journey to the Apex"

Dec 16th, 2019

dentalcorp’s Dr. Gary Glassman, Chief Dental Officer, discusses his unique journey to success, the importance of building solid relationships, and how we can all discover our hidden leadership skills on The Dental Clinical Companion podcast.

How to Craft the Perfect Re-care Program

Dec 12th, 2019

In the world of dental hygiene, we commonly refer to routine follow up exams with patients as ‘recall’ appointments. More appropriately, these can be considered re-care exams, as our patients aren’t recalled per se, rather compassionately re-cared for through the ongoing monitoring and maintenance of their oral health.

Dental Service Organizations: They’re Not all the Same

Dec 11th, 2019

The dental industry in Canada is evolving. With over 24,000 dentists and 14,000 practices across the country, today’s market is highly saturated and fragmented. The fragmentation, along with increased expectations of consumers, has given rise to a new business model: Dental Service Organizations (DSOs). DSOs can be thought of as independent business support centers that contract with dental practices to facilitate further growth and success.

Holiday Blues: Navigating Patients’ Loneliness

Dec 2nd, 2019

It’s been said that there is no health without mental health—the truth of this statement is difficult to refute. Mental illness presents a serious barrier to receiving good health care and dental care is no exception. The enormity of this public health concern becomes clear when you consider that, at any moment in Canada, mental health issues impact 1 in 5 people; that’s 20% of dental professionals and 20% of patients in need of oral health care. Oral health and mental health issues cannot ....

Leveraging New Technologies to Enhance Patient Experience and Increase Patient Retention

Nov 25th, 2019

The dental patients we once knew are a thing of the past – much like your old flip phone.  Today’s patients are tech savvy, well educated and likely to have researched all of their symptoms and dental treatments prior to arriving in your chair. In today’s competitive landscape, dental care professionals need to inform and engage patients in a way we never could before. We need to be prepared to filter through the myths (and truths) they are reading online and educate them in a patient specif...

The Business of Dental Hygiene

Nov 20th, 2019

As a practicing dental hygienist, I focused on the delivery of patient-centred care, avoided the financial and operational aspects of a dental practice, and had no need for business acumen. Over time working in dental clinics, my interests and horizons expanded, and I became more and more fascinated by the economic underpinnings of an oral health care clinic. However, as a practice consultant, I find myself seeking the bigger picture. I am intrigued by a practice’s foundation, culture, patie...

The Shared Responsibility of Infection Prevention and Control

Oct 24th, 2019

In July 2017, Public Health Ontario closed the first dental practice in Ontario due to an Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) lapse. Dental offices had not yet faced this kind of IPAC audit, and the regulatory bodies were caught off guard as well. The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (RCDSO) and the College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario (CDHO) were alerted to the fact that regulated health professionals had been involved in the delivery of instruments that may not have been ...

Navigating Career Options in the Complex World of Dentistry

Oct 22nd, 2019

Now more than ever, dentists, like all new professionals, are prioritizing work-life balance and overall well-being. This is having a profound impact on their ambitions and career choices. Unfortunately, with unprecedented debt loads burdening most dental grads, there is overwhelming pressure to start working (and earning income) as soon as they become licensed. The desire for balance and the pressure to work makes choosing the right career path all the more important. Navigating that choice...

Top 10 Risk Management Tips for General Practitioners Providing Orthodontic Services

Oct 7th, 2019

With the rise of clear aligner therapy in dentistry, it has become increasingly common for general practitioners (GPs) to provide orthodontic services like Invisalign. Offering orthodontic services is a differentiating factor for general practitioners and can help set practices apart in today’s highly competitive market.

Mentoring in Dentistry: Promoting Growth and Development

Sep 4th, 2019

With September and the launch of a new school year, we inevitably begin to think about learning and education. When it comes to facilitating the learning and development of new healthcare professionals, mentoring is noted as being a key mechanism to accomplish this goal. While mentoring may not be as prevalent in dentistry as it is in other health professions, the principles and expected benefits are equally applicable and relevant. 

Harnessing the Power of a Website for Your Practice

Aug 6th, 2019

In today’s digital world, your website is your primary marketing tool – whether you like it or not. A recent study showed over 80% of Canadian consumers use a digital device to locate and/or validate a business online before making contact. That percentage skews much higher in younger audiences and it’s growing every year.

4 Tips to Ace the Interview

Jul 4th, 2019

Job interviews can be a significant source of stress and anxiety for many of us. And for good reason. In today’s competitive landscape, we’re often up against equally—if not more—qualified candidates and so, it becomes all the more important to put your best foot forward when representing you and your skill set.

Reflections of Proud Canadians

Jul 1st, 2019

Our network is comprised of more than 5,700 team members – their diverse backgrounds and stories make up the fabric of our company and nation at large. This Canada Day, we asked our People to reflect on what being Canadian means to them.

10% Carbamide Peroxide: A Gateway To Oral And Overall Health

May 29th, 2019

Many dental hygienists, including myself, say they entered this profession to assist clients in developing and maintaining healthy beautiful smiles. It is widely accepted that whitening gels play a significant role in developing those beautiful smiles.

Cannabis, Capacity and Consent

May 6th, 2019

Ever since the government began seriously discussing legalization of marijuana for recreational use, dental professionals have developed an intense curiosity about what the change would mean, both for the health of patients and the provision of care. There are copious studies that explore the potential interactions of common sedatives and anesthetics with cannabis, as well as myriads more that detail how the effects of smoke and THC alter the oral environment.

Oral Health for Total Health: The Integral Role of the Dental Hygienist

Apr 5th, 2019

Despite its integral function in the field of oral health care, many are unaware that the role of the dental hygienist goes beyond cleaning teeth. In celebration of National Dental Hygienists Week this April, we take a closer look at the dental hygienist’s scope of practice and the crucial work they do in furthering oral health for total health.

Root Cause Netflix Movie: Fighting Mythical FIRE, with Scientific FACT

Apr 1st, 2019

It has often been said that to bring attention to a controversial matter simply affirms its existence, memorializes it and gives it credibility. The corollary is to ignore it and allow wrong and negligent statements to pass as science. Instead of burying our heads in the sand, we would much rather bury bad science once and for all. We do this with the best interest of patients in mind.

5 Oral Health Facts that You May be Surprised to Know

Mar 20th, 2019

In celebration of World Oral Health Day, here are 5 facts about oral health that you may be surprised to know.

International Women’s Day 2019: Celebrating Women in Dentistry

Mar 8th, 2019

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we salute the women of dentistry who are paving the way for many female practitioners to come. In a field traditionally dominated by men, Dr. Sathya Murty, dentalcorp Partner and Principal Dentist at Scotia Dental, takes us through her journey as a woman in dentistry – the opportunities and challenges she’s faced, and the importance of strong role models for emerging female dentists.

Celebrating the Dental Assistant: A Closer Look at the Dentist’s Right Arm

Mar 5th, 2019

In honour of Dental Assistants Recognition Week, I’d like to take this opportunity to delve deeper into the integral function of the Dental Assistant. As a former Dental Assistant myself, I am deeply familiar with the multi-dimensionality of the role; yet many clinicians fail to understand its complexity and the tremendous value it brings to the practice.

Getting in Tune: Best-Practices for Engaging Your Employees in the Year Ahead

Feb 1st, 2019

Increased attention has been given to employee engagement and retention in recent years. Many practice leaders are now making it a top-priority, investing more time and resources into assessing and subsequently improving engagement among team members. And for good reason. It has long been suggested that engaged employees are more productive within—and loyal to—their organizations.

Team Development & Dynamics in Your Practice

Jun 8th, 2017

Developing an effective team can be one of the most crucial aspects of success in a practice. It takes time, as each member brings unique personality traits, preferences, styles and experiences to the team.


Celebrating Asian Heritage: The Inspiring Journey of Dr. Misako Nguyen

Apr 30th, 2024

This May for Asian Heritage Month, we spoke with Dr. Misako Nguyen, Dentist and Bilingual Dental Consultant for our Risk & Compliance Team in Quebec.

Partner Advisory Council Spotlight: Dr. Louis-Pier Deslauriers

Nov 7th, 2023

We're shining the spotlight on Dr. Louis-Pier Deslauriers, General Dentist at Clinique Dentaire St-Gabriel in St-Gabriel-de-Brandon, Quebec. Dr. Deslauriers sheds light on his role as a representative for his fellow Partners, the significance of training for exceptional patient care, and shares his passion for sailing.

Support Centre Spotlight: Grace S.

Oct 23rd, 2023

We're shining the Spotlight on Grace S., Dental Development Manager, DCI, at dentalcorp's Support Centre. Grace tells us about her passion for helping others develop new skills, what her role models taught her about the value of a strong work ethic and the importance of contributing your perspective in the workplace. 

Support Centre Spotlight: Nadia P.

Sep 18th, 2023

We're shining the spotlight on Nadia P., Talent Acquisition Specialist at dentalcorp's Support Centre. We discuss the importance of providing support in her role, her passion for good conversation, and what she believes is the key to success.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Makwana

Sep 18th, 2023

We are shining the spotlight on Dr. Makwana, General Dentist at Reflections Dental Health Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We discuss her passion for patient care, the importance of planning short- and long-term goals, and how she built a trusting relationship with a young patient.

Treatment Coordinator Spotlight: Andrew M.

Aug 16th, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Andrew M., Treatment Coordinator at Mount Pearl Dental in Mount Pearl, Newfoundland. Andrew tells us about the benefits of excellent communication, the key to building lasting relationships with patients, and the importance of understanding the link between oral and systemic health.

Support Centre Spotlight: Yacine F.

Aug 10th, 2023

We're shining the spotlight on Yacine F., Senior Salesforce Administrator at dentalcorp's Support Centre. Yacine tells us about his passion for learning, how to increase productivity for the company, the importance of being curious in a new role, and how failure increased his determination to achieve his goals.

Dental Assistant Spotlight: Chantelle M.

Aug 1st, 2023

We're shining the spotlight on Chantelle M., Dental Assistant at Cor-Dent Dental Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We discuss what inspired her to pursue a career in dentistry, treating patients like family, and the importance of always being one step ahead.

Partner Advisory Council Spotlight: Dr. Lauretta Gray

Jul 20th, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Dr. Gray, Principal Dentist at Warman Dental in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Dr. Gray tells us about her inspiration to start her own practice, the benefits of being a member of dentalcorp’s Partner Advisory Council, and her love for cooking and an active lifestyle.

Support Centre Spotlight: Alima K.

Jul 13th, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Alima K., Specialist, Field Operations, at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. Alima tells us about moving from the UK to Canada, using problem-solving skills to meet dentalcorp’s mission, and embracing every experience in the workplace.

Regional Manager Spotlight: Hilary F.

Jun 21st, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Hilary F., Regional Manager, Operations, at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. We discuss being open-minded in the workplace, the opportunities provided by dentalcorp to continuously learn and grow, and the importance of developing a team of collaborators. Click the link in bio to read more.

Dental Hygienist Spotlight: Lisa S.

Jun 21st, 2023

We’re shining the Spotlight on Lisa S., Registered Dental Hygienist at Sturgeon Creek Dental in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We discuss an inspiring patient story, how dentalcorp has connected her to a new hygiene community, and the importance of learning from our mistakes. Click the link in bio to read more.

Support Centre Spotlight: Adriano G.

Jun 16th, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Adriano G., Manager, Patient Recare, at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. Adriano tells us about having the autonomy to drive change and provide support in his role, thinking outside of the box, and the importance of family.

Associate Spotlight: Dr. Gharib

Jun 12th, 2023

We're shining the spotlight on Dr. Gharib, Associate dentist at Kerhoulas Dental Streetsville in Mississauga, Ontario. Dr. Gharib tells us about the most significant influence that impacted her decision to pursue dentistry, the importance of time management, and how she enjoys being part of a team to provide quality patient care.

Partner Advisory Council Spotlight: Dr. Bill Toews

Jun 1st, 2023

We're shining the spotlight on Dr. Bill Toews, Principal Dentist at Beaufort Family Dental in Comox, British Columbia. Dr. Toews tells us about his passion for mentoring, the fundamental value of patient care, and the importance of education and lifelong learning.

dc+ Team Member Spotlight: Stacey N.

May 17th, 2023

We're shining the spotlight on Stacey N., Registered Dental Assistant, dc+ team, at dentalcorp's Support Centre. Stacey tells us about the variety of experiences she's gained throughout her career, embracing new challenges, and life lessons from her father that she applies daily to patient care.  

Support Centre Spotlight: Randy P.

May 8th, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Randy P., Project Administrator, Construction and Maintenance Services, at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. Randy tells us about what motivates him in his role, planning adventures with his family, and the importance of learning from both mistakes and wins. 

Partner Advisory Council Spotlight: Dr. Pidzarko

Apr 27th, 2023

We're shining the spotlight on Dr. Pidzarko, Principal Dentist at Ocean Dental in Burnaby, BC. Dr. Pidzarko tells us how the Partner Advisory Council has evolved over the years, the importance of embracing technology and digital dentistry, and his passion for sports and an active lifestyle.  

Practice Manager Spotlight: Paula Q.

Apr 25th, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Paula Q., Practice Manager at Ortho101 in Grande Prairie, Alberta. Paula tells us about the importance of building relationships with patients, ensuring a healthy work-life balance, and helping team members thrive in the workplace.  

Associate Spotlight: Dr. Dogbé

Apr 12th, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Dr. Dogbé, Associate Dentist at Centre Dentaire Familial Ste-Dorothée, Laval, Quebec. Dr. Dogbé tells us about the life experience that prompted him to pursue a career in dentistry, his passion for continuing education, and the importance of treating patients the same way we want to be treated. 

Support Centre Spotlight: Kelley M.

Apr 5th, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Kelley M., Manager, Email & Patient Relationship Management, Marketing at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. Kelley tells us about the importance of finding innovative solutions and striving to deliver the best experience for patients through digital communications. 

Dental Hygienist Spotlight: Laura C.

Mar 20th, 2023

We're shining the spotlight on Laura C., Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH) at Smile Dental Centre in London, Ontario. Laura tells us about experiences that have shaped her long career as an RDH, how teaching is a process that develops over time, and the importance of connecting with patients on a personal level. 

Support Centre Spotlight: Samantha W.

Mar 17th, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Samantha W., Program Specialist, Category Development, at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. Samantha tells us about her contribution to the development of new programs and initiatives, renovating her 1984 trailer, and the importance of taking every opportunity to learn and grow. 

International Women's Day: Dr. Aliki Divaris

Mar 6th, 2023

In recognition of International Women's Day, we spoke with our Partner Dr. Aliki Divaris, to discuss her journey in dentistry from Associate to Partner, how society has evolved since she started practicing, and the work-life balance support she receives from dentalcorp.

dc+ Team Member Spotlight: Hayfa Ismail 

Mar 6th, 2023

We're shining the spotlight on Hayfa Ismail, Certified Dental Assistant, dc+ team, at dentalcorp's Support Centre. Hayfa tells us about her journey in the dental industry, striving for continuous self-improvement, and the importance of taking initiative in your career.  

Partner Advisory Council Spotlight: Dr. Glenn Chan 

Feb 22nd, 2023

We're shining the spotlight on Dr. Glenn Chan, Principal Dentist at Harker, Chan & Associates in Calgary, Alberta. Dr. Chan tells us about his journey in the industry, the importance of enhancing the patient experience, and how he helps shape dentalcorp’s vision and direction as a member of dentalcorp's Partner Advisory Council. 

Practice Manager Spotlight: Amy Lavergne

Feb 16th, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Amy Lavergne, Practice Manager at LightHouse Dental in Chatham, Ontario. Amy tells us about the importance of recognizing individual strengths in the workplace, ensuring a five-star patient experience, and how this profession consistently provides growth opportunities.

Support Centre Spotlight: Sara Sfeir 

Feb 15th, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Sara Sfeir, Translator, Corporate Communications at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. Sara tells us about her career journey as a certified translator, her love for cooking, and the importance of having faith in yourself.

Dental Assistant Spotlight: Ethel MacPherson

Feb 1st, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Ethel MacPherson, Dental Assistant at Antigonish Family Dentistry in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Ethel tells us about her nearly four-decade career in the industry, witnessing positive patient transformations and the importance of thinking outside of the box. 

Regional Manager Spotlight: Reshma Ganesh 

Jan 18th, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Reshma Ganesh, Regional Manager, Operations, at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. Reshma tells us what excites her most in her role, the importance of building strong relationships and trust, and never settling until you reach your goals. 

Practice Manager Spotlight: Vanessa Jephson

Jan 11th, 2023

Today we shine the spotlight on Vanessa Jephson, Practice Manager at Ferris Lane Dental in Barrie, Ontario. Vanessa tells us about the importance of leadership and communication in her role, her passion for encouraging female youth sports, and pushing yourself toward success. 

Support Centre Spotlight: Terence Fok

Jan 5th, 2023

We’re shining the spotlight on Terence Fok, Senior Director, Practice Optimization at dentalcorp's Support Centre. Terence tells us about his journey in industrial engineering, elevating the patient experience with consistent patient care, and the importance of building connections in the workplace.

Practice Manager Spotlight: Beth Misner

Dec 6th, 2022

We’re shining the spotlight on Beth Misner, Practice Manager at SouthWest Dental in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Beth tells us about the journey of opening a practice with her husband, wearing multiple hats at the office, and the importance of helping patients achieve their goals. 

Dental Assistant Spotlight: Brandi Carlin 

Nov 25th, 2022

We’re shining the spotlight on Brandi Carlin, Dental Assistant at Westlake Dental in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. Brandi tells us about her strong work ethic, growing up on a farm, and the importance of showing compassion.

Support Centre Spotlight: Brett Meadus

Nov 24th, 2022

We’re shining the spotlight on Brett Meadus, Director, Operations at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. Brett tells us about his role in supporting practices to provide excellent patient care and his experience rescuing a tourist from a tree.

Support Centre Spotlight: Jaime Robertson 

Nov 17th, 2022

We’re shining the spotlight on Jaime Robertson, Director, Regulatory Compliance at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. We discuss her goal to develop a safety culture for practices, being raised on a farm, and the importance of allowing yourself to be open to new challenges. 

Practice Manager Spotlight: Jessica Owens

Nov 9th, 2022

We’re shining the spotlight on Jessica Owens, Practice Manager at Azarko Dental Group in Edmonton, Alberta. Jessica tells us about her love for the dental industry, the importance of a great patient experience, and her passion for continuously growing as a leader for her team.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Marcus Quibrantar

Oct 20th, 2022

We’re shining the spotlight on Marcus Quibrantar, Senior Manager, Workforce and Labour Management at dentalcorp's Support Centre. Marcus tells us about his love for travelling with his daughters, his passion for learning about industry technological advancements, and the importance of challenging yourself in the workplace.

Practice Manager Spotlight: Kim Kearney

Oct 17th, 2022

We're shining the spotlight on Kim Kearney, Practice Manager at Mayflower Dental Group in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Kim tells us about returning to her hometown of Cape Breton, her open-door policy at work, and the importance of leaning on others for support.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Shobana Sivananthan

Sep 30th, 2022

We’re shining the spotlight on Dr. Shobana Sivananthan, General Dentist at Academy Dental Group in Win-nipeg, Manitoba. We discuss how partnership with dentalcorp allows her to focus on what she enjoys most about dentistry, the importance of staying up-to-date with technology, and how trust is the foundation of a strong patient base.

Dental Hygienist Spotlight: Michelle McPhee

Sep 22nd, 2022

We’re shining the spotlight on Michelle McPhee, Registered Dental Hygienist at Bayside Dental in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. We discuss her journey in the industry, the importance of educating patients, and how a simple routine oral cancer screening was the most rewarding experience of her career.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Grace Schillaci

Sep 21st, 2022

We are shining the spotlight on Grace Schillaci, Senior Manager, Field Operations at dentalcorp's Support Centre. Grace tells us about her passion for training others, implementing programs that drive camaraderie, and the importance of immersing yourself in the workplace.

Practice Manager Spotlight: Leanna Foy

Sep 9th, 2022

We are shining the spotlight on Leanna Foy, Practice Manager at Spruceland Family Dental Care in Prince George, British Columbia. Leanna tells us about her journey in the dental industry, promoting change in the office to support success and growth, and the importance of having confidence in your skills.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Adrienne Pavlik

Aug 23rd, 2022

We are shining the spotlight on Adrienne Pavlik, Director of Operations at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. Adrienne tells us about her passion for solving problems for the Practices and an experience in her career that shaped who she is as a Leader.

Practice Manager Spotlight: Lyne Beland

Aug 2nd, 2022

We are shining the spotlight on Lyne Beland, Practice Manager at Highmoor Dental in Edmonton, Alberta. Lyne tells us about her journey in the dental industry, the importance of creating a safe environment for pa-tients, and her passion for helping others.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Mimi Godin

Jul 20th, 2022

We’re shining the spotlight on Mimi Godin, Manager, Category Development and Analytics at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. Mimi tells us about graduating as a dental hygienist, how an unexpected dinner changed the course of her career, and the lifelong journey of leadership.

Associate Spotlight: Dr. David Dacombe

Jul 13th, 2022

This month we shine the spotlight on Dr. David Dacombe, Associate Dentist at Odyssey Dental Care in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We discuss what he finds most rewarding about practicing dentistry, his accomplish-ments with his team members, and how excellence in patient care is more than just providing treatment.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Terri Pukanich

Jul 7th, 2022

This month, we shine the spotlight on Dr. Terri Pukanich, General Dentist at Slave Lake Dental in Slave Lake, AB, and dentalcorp’s Partner since 2019. We discuss what excites her most about practicing dentistry, how partnership with dentalcorp provides opportunities to teach and mentor, and how her team is committed to bringing joy into the office every day.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Sarah Oddson

Jun 24th, 2022

This month, we shine the spotlight on Sarah Oddson, Senior Manager, Corporate Brand and Communications at dentalcorp's Support Centre. Sarah tells us about her commitment to learning, welcoming new opportunities for growth, and the importance of embracing individuality in the workplace.

Practice Manager Spotlight: Sarah Weinstein

Jun 20th, 2022

This month, we're shining the spotlight on Sarah Weinstein, Practice Manager at Tweed Dental Care in Tweed, Ontario. Sarah tells us how she navigated the pandemic, her passion for honest and ethical dentistry, and the importance of excellent record keeping.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Ken Phillips

Jun 6th, 2022

This month, we shine the spotlight on Dr. Ken Phillips, owner and Principal Dentist at Royal Centre Dental Group in Vancouver, BC, and dentalcorp’s Partner since 2018. We discuss how partnership with dentalcorp has allowed him to provide consistent patient-focused care, his philosophy of building trust with patients, and the importance of mentorship for emerging dentists.

Associate Spotlight: Dr. Alycia Klymkiw

May 30th, 2022

This month, we shine the spotlight on Dr. Alycia Klymkiw, General Dentist at Fort Richmond Dental Centre in Winnipeg, MB. We discuss how she has evolved as a clinician, the importance of forming relationships with patients, and what she finds most rewarding about practicing dentistry.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Carla Ofstie

May 24th, 2022

Today we shine the spotlight on Carla Ofstie, Clinical Development Manager at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. Carla tells us about her journey in the dental industry, her entrepreneurial mindset, and the importance of collaboration with other dental professionals. 

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Michel Comeau

May 12th, 2022

Today we shine the spotlight on Dr. Michel Comeau, Principal Dentist at SouthWest Dental in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. We discuss his journey into dentistry, the importance of lifelong learning, and his appreciation for his team, who go the extra mile. 

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Shauna Warwick

Apr 25th, 2022

Today we shine the spotlight on Shauna Warwick, Director of Operations at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. Shauna tells us about leading a new initiative in change management, her passion for travel and cycle touring, and the importance of being an advocate for your own health.

Practice Manager Spotlight: Dixie Webb

Apr 20th, 2022

We're shining the spotlight on Dixie Webb, Practice Manager at Belleville Dental Care in Belleville, Ontario. Dixie tells us how the pandemic has taught her to slow down, the importance of an excellent patient experience, and her passion for continuing education.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Sharan Atwal

Apr 11th, 2022

This month, we shine the spotlight on Dr. Sharan Atwal, general dentist and Invisalign provider at Sturgeon Creek Dental in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We discuss how continuing education has evolved her practice, what excites her most about practicing dentistry, and her advice for emerging dentists.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Corrie Hehr

Feb 28th, 2022

Today, we shine the spotlight on Corrie Hehr, Director of Operations at dentalcorp’s Support Centre. We discussed how she’s inspired by team spirit, her plan to train in Jiu-Jitsu, and how she played an integral role in overseeing one of dentalcorp’s largest Partner transitions.

Associate Spotlight: Dr. Tarek Sharkas

Feb 23rd, 2022

This month’s Associate Spotlight features Dr. Tarek Sharkas, Prosthodontist and Implantologist at Country Hills Dentistry in Kitchener, ON. We discussed what challenges he faced adapting to cultural change, the importance of treating patients like family, and what he finds most rewarding about practicing dentistry

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Carolynn Oleksyn

Feb 7th, 2022

This month’s Partner Spotlight features Dr. Carolynn Oleksyn, general dentist at Sutherland Dental Group in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. We discussed what excites her most about being a dentist, the importance of showing compassion to patients, and the support she receives from fellow Saskatchewanians

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Lisa Emiliani

Jan 27th, 2022

: Today, we shine the spotlight on Lisa Emiliani, Senior Practice Management System specialist at the dentalcorp Support Centre. We discuss her decision to return to a role with dentalcorp, her high school sweetheart, and why we should never take life for granted.

…a conversation with Angèle Henry, Practice Manager

Jan 21st, 2022

We’re shining the spotlight on Angèle Henry, Practice Manager at Clinique Dentaire Albert & Cayouette in Carleton, Quebec. Angèle tells us about her rewarding career choice, navigating challenges throughout the pandemic, and the importance of intergenerational management.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Christian Bernard

Jan 11th, 2022

This month’s Partner Spotlight features Dr. Christian Bernard, principal dentist at Clinique Dentaire Samuel Holland in Quebec City, QC. We discussed what he finds most rewarding about practicing dentistry, the role of technology at his practice, and his advice for emerging dentists.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Shahrzad Sajadi

Dec 21st, 2021

Today we shine the spotlight on Shahrzad Sajadi, Manager, dentalcorp Float Team at the Support Centre. Shahrzad tells us about her background in dental hygiene, her transition to people management, and her commitment to lifelong learning.

Associate Spotlight: Dr. Dallin Evanson

Dec 17th, 2021

In this month’s Associate Spotlight, we caught up with Dr. Dallin Evanson to discuss his journey into dentistry, finding a practice that nurtured his growth, and his mission to make a true and lasting impact in his patients’ lives.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Shale Chochinov

Dec 3rd, 2021

This month’s Partner Spotlight features Dr. Shale Chochinov, principal dentist at Norwood Dental Centre in Winnipeg, MB. We discussed what drew him to dentistry, what keeps him energized in his practice, and his advice for new dentists hoping for similar success.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Jennie Yeo

Nov 26th, 2021

Today we shine the spotlight on Jennie Yeo, Senior Learning Specialist at the dentalcorp Support Centre. Jennie tells us about her hidden musical talents, her decision to change careers, and why we should never be afraid to think outside of the box.

…a conversation with Lee McDonald, Practice Manager

Nov 19th, 2021

We’re shining the spotlight on Lee McDonald, Practice Manager at Evergreen Dental in Dartmouth, NS. Lee tells us about her unique career path, what she loves most about her job, and her advice for dental professionals starting out.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Ashley Fidyk

Nov 5th, 2021

This month’s Partner Spotlight features Dr. Ashley Fidyk, principal dentist at Lake Country Dental Centre in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. We discussed what she loves most about being a dentist, the important role patient relationships have played in her practice’s success, and the most valuable lesson she has learned in her career.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight - Victoria Yousef

Oct 29th, 2021

Today we shine the spotlight on Victoria Yousef, Marketing Manager at the dentalcorp Support Centre. With this being National Orthodontic Health Month, Victoria shares with us her passion for educating and spreading awareness of the importance of orthodontics at any age. She also tells us how being direct and laying it all on the line can be the key to finding happiness and success.

Associate Spotlight: Jillian Gordon

Oct 22nd, 2021

October is National Orthodontic Health Month, and for our Associate Spotlight we sat down with Dr. Jillian Gordon from Village Orthodontics. Jill tells us about what inspired her to pursue a career in orthodontics in the first place, and what it is that keeps her and her patients smiling their greatest smiles, day in and day out.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight - Jacquie Barlow

Sep 29th, 2021

Today we shine the spotlight on Jacquie Barlow, Director of Operations, Atlantic Canada/Eastern Ontario. Jacquie’s debut at dentalcorp included a chance elevator encounter with a friendly colleague and a poorly timed vacation – both of which confirmed that she’d found her forever job.

Associate Spotlight: Vanessa Shewchuk

Sep 24th, 2021

Today we shine the spotlight on Dr. Vanessa Shewchuk, who discusses the importance of lifelong learning and how it’s critical to trust in your abilities in order to develop as a professional. Vanessa has been an Associate with Apple Dental Care in Edmonton for the last four years.

Partner Spotlight: Drs. Larry Podolsky & David Mady

Sep 3rd, 2021

In celebration of dentalcorp’s 10th anniversary, we’re shining the spotlight on our first two Partners Drs. Larry Podolsky and David Mady, who have been instrumental players in the continued growth and success of our network. We discuss the biggest highlights in their decade of partnership, the most valuable lessons they’ve learned in their careers, and how they continue to stay energized in their practice. Multi-clinic owners Podolsky and Mady currently practice as principal dentists at De...

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight - Katelyn Hack

Aug 27th, 2021

This month we shine the Support Centre spotlight on Katelyn Hack, Marketing Manager, who tells us how a hot yoga class became the catalyst for a rewarding career move, and how her childhood dream of becoming a vet doesn’t hold a candle to marketing in dentistry.

Practice Manager Spotlight: Nancy Smith

Aug 20th, 2021

Today we shine the spotlight on Nancy Smith, Practice Manager with Highlands Dental Centre, who tells us why coming to work is a pleasure and describes how rewarding a great patient relationship can be.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Todd McClenaghan

Aug 6th, 2021

This month’s Partner Spotlight features Dr. Todd McClenaghan, principal dentist, South 40 Dental, Grande Prairie, Alberta. We discussed what excites him most about dentistry, what makes his practice team special, and the best career advice he’s received.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight - Barb Wilser

Jul 30th, 2021

We’re shining the Support Centre spotlight on Barb Wilser, Regional Human Resources Business Partner. Barb discusses with us the importance of living in the moment, learning more than you teach, and seizing all of life’s experiences.

Associate Spotlight: Dr. Ola

Jul 23rd, 2021

Today we shine the spotlight on Dr. Ola, who values her relationships with her patients and co-workers and absolutely loves the variety of challenges that she gets to tackle on a daily basis. Dr. Ola practices at Evergreen Dental in Dartmouth.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Sam Sgro

Jul 2nd, 2021

For this month’s Partner Spotlight, we sat down with Dr. Sam Sgro to discuss administering COVID-19 vaccines on his days off, the biggest lesson the past 15 months have taught him, and his advice for Canadians experiencing pandemic fatigue.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight - Lisa Harris

Jun 25th, 2021

Today we shine the Support Centre spotlight on Lisa Harris, Senior Manager, Accounts Payable. From her early aspirations to become a truck driver, to stunt driving on an ATV, to the Ride to Conquer Cancer, Lisa has always embraced the thrill of being in the driver’s seat, both in her personal and professional life.

Practice Manager Spotlight: Mehin Malik-Aslanova

Jun 18th, 2021

Today we shine the spotlight on Mehin Malik-Aslanova, who credits the pandemic as a catalyst for lasting change. In the past year, she has learned new skills and redefined what it means to be accountable to her patients and her team, and now has a deeper understanding of what constitutes a great patient experience.

Academic Excellence Award Recipient: Giana Ford

Jun 15th, 2021

Giana Ford recently learned that she is the recipient of an exclusive award, given to only three students in Canada each year.

Academic Excellence Award Recipient: Megan Boyer

Jun 9th, 2021

Recently, Megan Boyer learned that she was one of three students from across Canada selected to receive dentalcorp’s Academic Excellence Award.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Divya Balakrishnan

Jun 2nd, 2021

For this month’s Partner Spotlight, we caught up with Dr. Divya Balakrishnan to discuss her journey to dentistry and partnership, the importance of relationship building, and her advice for dentists looking to progress in their careers.

Academic Excellence Award Recipient: Natalie Rubinger

Jun 2nd, 2021

Last week, Natalie Rubinger learned that she was one of three students from across Canada selected to receive dentalcorp’s Academic Excellence Award.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight - Imed Yazit

May 28th, 2021

Today we shine the spotlight on Imed Yazit, Support Centre Bilingual IT Specialist, who tells us about the importance of keeping your cool and trying to put yourself in other people’s shoes.

Partner Spotlight: Drs. Ernie & Dan Wotton

May 4th, 2021

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we caught up with Drs. Ernie and Dan Wotton, brothers and well-respected dentists, to discuss their influences behind their choice of profession, their unique journeys to partnership, and what they’re most proud of accomplishing in their careers. As principal dentists, Ernie and Dan both run thriving practices on opposite coasts in Nova Scotia and British Columbia, respectively.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight - Claude Lachance

Apr 30th, 2021

Today our Support Centre spotlight shines on a member of our Real Estate team: Claude Lachance, Manager, Construction and Maintenance Services. Coming up on four years with dentalcorp, he tells us about the many facets of his role and why he would rather be at the dentist’s office than at the mall.

Practice Manager Spotlight: Amandeep Sood

Apr 23rd, 2021

We’re shining the spotlight on Regional Manager Amandeep Sood, who started practicing dentistry at the tender age of 23. After eight years, he followed his passion and moved to a role in Operations.

Partner Spotlight: Drs. Anik Saintonge, Doug Liu & Trevor Shew

Apr 5th, 2021

To kick-off Oral Health Month this April, we sat down with Drs. Anik Saintonge, Doug Liu & Trevor Shew to discuss their respective journeys to dentistry, what makes their practice so successful, and their top tips for maintaining optimal oral health.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight - Michelle Budd

Mar 26th, 2021

This month, we shine the Support Centre spotlight on Michelle Budd, DDS, who was a contestant on Canadian Idol but ultimately found her voice and her calling at dentalcorp.

Associate Spotlight: Dr. Christina Matrangolo

Mar 19th, 2021

Today we shine the spotlight on Dr. Christina Matrangolo, who shares with us her thoughts on the larger role that dentists can play in the lives of their patients, and the importance of continuing education. Dr. Matrangolo has been practicing at Today’s Dental in Alberta for 15 years.

International Women’s Day 2021: Celebrating Women in Dentistry

Mar 5th, 2021

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we sat down with two of our remarkable Partners Drs. Mary-Anne MacDonald and Jill Bashutski to discuss their unique journeys into dentistry, the opportunities and challenges they’ve experienced in their careers, and their commitment to developing the next generation of female leaders.

Practice Team Members Spotlight: Dental Assistants

Mar 5th, 2021

To celebrate Dental Assistants Recognition Week, we are shining the spotlight on a few of our amazing team members and the work they do in their practices.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight - Diane Ferreira

Feb 26th, 2021

Today we shine the spotlight on someone who’s figured out her “why”. Diane Ferreira, Senior Law Clerk, shares with us how different aspects of her life like her experience as a sergeant, running, and journaling with her daughter contribute to her success and happiness.

Practice Manager Spotlight: Terri Felix

Feb 19th, 2021

Today we shine the spotlight on someone who’s done it all, and with a positive outlook to boot. Terri Felix is with Bay Dental in Sault Ste. Marie and shares with us the story of her rich and varied career.

Partner Spotlight: Drs. Ericson Viola & Vinh Dao

Feb 4th, 2021

For this month’s Partner Spotlight, we caught up with Drs. Ericson Viola and Vinh Dao to discuss how they joined forces to build a successful practice, what they love most about being dentists and their advice for new grads. With over 20 years of combined experience, the dentist duo proudly serves the Napanee community at Got Smile Dental Centre.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Jordan Bauman

Jan 29th, 2021

Today we shine the Support Centre Spotlight on Jordan Bauman, Director, Corporate Development, who talks with us about the impact that team sports as had in his life, and what not to do when stopped at the border.

Associate Spotlight: Dr. Melissa Erasmus

Jan 20th, 2021

Today we shine the spotlight on Dr. Melissa Erasmus, who shares with us her thoughts on the importance of treating the whole patient and the role of mentorship in career development. Dr. Erasmus currently practices at Westport Dental in BC.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Greg Elliott

Jan 7th, 2021

We’re kicking off our first Partner Spotlight of the year with Newfoundland based dentist Dr. Greg Elliott. We sat down with Greg to discuss his journey into dentistry, his practice teams’ commitment to giving back, and the importance of getting to know patients in close-knit communities.

Unpopular Opinion: 2020 Was Good to Me

Dec 18th, 2020

Today we shine the Support Centre Spotlight on Christy Dvoracek, Director, Talent, who talks with us about the qualities she values and tries to embody, including her zest for life, drive, and sense of humour. She also explains how, all things being equal, 2020 has been good to her.

Practice Spotlight: Grasslands Dental Care

Dec 3rd, 2020

We caught up with the team at Grasslands Dental Care, to discuss their close-knit culture, what makes their practice so successful, and their commitment to exceptional patient care. Grasslands Dental Care has proudly served families in the Kamloops community for over 24 years.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Meerah Jayakumar

Nov 27th, 2020

Today we shine the Support Centre Spotlight on Meerah Jayakumar, Manager, Corporate Communications & Events, who talks with us about how pivoting successfully is not just a survival skill for 2020 – it’s key to developing a role for yourself that reflects all your interests and abilities.

In the Spotlight: Regional Manager Carey Thurlow

Nov 20th, 2020

Today we shine the spotlight on someone whose energy and accomplishments give new meaning to the terms ‘ambitious’ and ‘hard-working’. Her passion for the patient experience is equally matched by her commitment to offering innovative education options for dental assisting students. Introducing Carey Thurlow – Regional Manager at Orthostyle.

Partner Spotlight: Drs. Scott Leckie, Dominika Jasiewicz-Bialy & Amarjit Rihal

Nov 2nd, 2020

Established in 1966, Assiniboine Dental Group (ADG) has since grown into one of the largest dental practices in Western Canada, boasting over 20 general and specialized dentists and 70+ team members. ADG partners Scott, Ammy and Dominika collectively bring over 60 years of experience to the thriving Winnipeg practice.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Tricia Reteracion

Oct 30th, 2020

Today we shine the Support Centre Spotlight on Tricia Reteracion, Senior Coordinator, Accounts Payable, who shares with us why it’s so  important to follow through with our goals, and to embrace change in order to grow.

2020 National Infection Control Week: Wrap Up

Oct 22nd, 2020

In celebration of National Infection Control Week, we're shining a light on individuals in our network who have done an exceptional job protecting the health and safety of our patients and team members.

Investing in Safety: Brandon Dental Centre’s Steri-Centre Upgrade

Oct 21st, 2020

We’re shining a light on the team at Brandon Dental Centre for their continued commitment to health and safety. Shortly after joining our network this spring, the Manitoba Practice invested in a substantial infection prevention and control (IPAC) upgrade to its steri-centre.

Associate Spotlight: Dr. Robert Weinstein

Oct 16th, 2020

Today we shine the spotlight on Dr. Robert Weinstein, who shares with us his thoughts on the importance of trust and honesty in the doctor/patient relationship. Dr. Weinstein currently practices at Tweed Dental Care in Ontario.

Partner Spotlight: Drs. Antosz & Vincelli

Oct 1st, 2020

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we sat down with Dr. Mark Antosz and Dr. Robert Vincelli to discuss what they love most about being orthodontists, their work in the community, and their top tips for patients undergoing ortho treatment.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Julie Arsenault

Sep 24th, 2020

Today we shine the Support Centre Spotlight on Julie Arsenault, Manager, Compensation + Benefits, who can’t wait to be able to travel again and explore new places, people, and cultures.

Associate Spotlight: Dr. Mitchell Hanna

Sep 11th, 2020

Today we shine the spotlight on Dr. Mitchell Hanna, who shares with us his passion for smiles and sports. Dr. Hanna currently practices with Riverside Dental of the Mayflower Dental Group in Sydney, Nova Scotia.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Stanley Mann

Sep 1st, 2020

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we sat down with Dr. Stanley Mann to discuss his journey to becoming a dentist, what he finds most rewarding about his practice, and the most valuable lesson he has learned.

Partner Spotlight: Francis Côté

Aug 3rd, 2020

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we caught up with Dr. Francis Cote to discuss his childhood dream of becoming a dentist, his journey to Partnership, and his advice for new dentists.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Danielle Partington

Jul 31st, 2020

Today we shine the Support Centre Spotlight on Danielle Partington, Sourcing Manager, Procurement, who tells us about her role in Procurement and the reason she’s unlikely to get a bird as her next pet.

Practice Managers Spotlight: Joelle, Carole, and Michelle

Jul 24th, 2020

Today we shine the spotlight on three of dentalcorp’s inspiring Practice Managers. Nationwide, practice teams are welcoming back patients with new processes and protocols in place to keep everyone safe and healthy. Managing the ‘new normal’ is no small feat and requires a special blend of leadership, teamwork, and patient-centric mindset to succeed.

Dentistry in the DNA: A Father-Son Success Story

Jun 30th, 2020

In June, we proudly welcomed Dr. Robert Toews—founder of Life Dental clinics and son of dentalcorp Partner Dr. Bill Toews—to our network. We sat down with the father-son duo to discuss how their family’s passion for dentistry and patient-centered care came full circle through partnership.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Michelle Pinto

Jun 26th, 2020

Today we shine the Support Centre Spotlight on Michelle Pinto, Director, Payroll, who tells us about her pastry chef alter ego and the happy accident that landed her on the path to the fulfilling career she has today.

Partner Spotlight: Ariel Cohen

Jun 12th, 2020

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we sat down with Dr. Ariel Cohen to discuss how his practice was able to successfully adapt and remain open throughout this pandemic, his experience volunteering with virtual dental care, and the key lessons he has learned from this crisis.

Associate Spotlight: Dr. Anuraag Sharma

Jun 2nd, 2020

Today we shine the spotlight on Dr. Anuraag Sharma, who shares his passion for creating wonderful smiles and helping people live life to its fullest. Dr. Sharma currently practices at Toothworks Sterling Dental in Toronto, Ontario.

Partner Spotlight: Drs. Terry Foreman & Eric Haley

May 26th, 2020

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we caught up with Drs. Terry Foreman and Eric Haley to discuss their journey into dentistry, the most rewarding aspects of reopening their practice, and the valuable lessons they’ve learned from this pandemic.

Practice Managers Spotlight: LJ and Lee

May 20th, 2020

Today we shine the spotlight on two of our amazing Practice Managers. Across Canada, practice teams have had their regular operations disrupted by the pandemic. As restrictions in certain areas begin to ease and our practices make plans to return to work, we wanted to share the stories of some of our own unsung heroes.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Ramnik Kamboj

May 1st, 2020

In this month's Support Centre Team Member Spotlight, we speak with Ramnik Kamboj, Director, Operations Finance with dentalcorp.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Lauretta Gray

Apr 30th, 2020

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we spent time with Dr. Lauretta Gray to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted her practice, the advantage of being a part of a large network in a time of crisis, and her message of support for front-line healthcare workers.

Protecting the Front Lines: One Surgeon’s Fight Against COVID-19 in Canada

Apr 10th, 2020

The widespread social and economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has left industries reeling across the globe – the dental industry being no exception. Like many non-essential businesses, thousands of dental practices across Canada were mandated by regulatory authorities to temporarily shut down, reserving treatment for emergency cases in a bid to help flatten the curve.

Practice Team Members Spotlight: Dental Hygienists

Apr 7th, 2020

In recognition of National Dental Hygienists Week, we are shining the spotlight on some of our amazing team members. With COVID-19, no one is untouched and that includes many dental practices who have had to suspend regular operations. But we don't want the current situation to detract from the incredible job our team members do, day in and day out, pandemic or no pandemic.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Don MacRae

Mar 26th, 2020

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we caught up with Dr. Don MacRae to discuss his unique journey into dentistry, what he finds most rewarding about his profession, and what his practice is doing to support its community in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Practice Team Members Spotlight: Dental Assistants

Mar 2nd, 2020

To celebrate Dental Assistants Recognition Week, we are shining the spotlight on a few of our amazing team members and the work they do in their practices.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Stephanie Long

Feb 28th, 2020

In this month's Support Centre Team Member Spotlight, we speak with Stephanie Long, IT Manager at dentalcorp.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Jerry Baluta

Feb 25th, 2020

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we caught up with Dr. Jerry Baluta to discuss what he finds most rewarding about practicing dentistry, his passion for mentorship, and his advice for emerging clinicians.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Ali Jinnah

Jan 31st, 2020

This month we shine the spotlight on Ali Jinnah, Controller with dentalcorp.

Partner Spotlight: Drs. Neil & Victoria McDermid

Jan 28th, 2020

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we sat down with Drs. Neil and Victoria McDermid to discuss their journey in building a successful practice together as husband and wife, the importance of work-life balance, and their advice for new dentists.

Associate Spotlight: Dr. Aness Assafeen

Jan 17th, 2020

Today we shine the spotlight on Dr. Aness Assafeen and his remarkable journey from war-torn Syria to a successful career as a dentist in Canada. Dr. Assafeen currently practices with Dr Comeau, Principal Partner, at Southwest Dental in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Jo-Anne Matheson

Dec 23rd, 2019

We sat down with Dr. Jo-Anne Matheson to discuss her unique journey into dentistry, what she finds most rewarding and challenging as a woman in practice, and her advice for new dentists entering the field.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Keenan Taylor

Dec 20th, 2019

Keenan talks to us about how his role satisfies the thrill-seeker in him, even though he became a Marketing Manager instead of a Pilot.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Arbenita Zymeri

Nov 29th, 2019

Arbenita shares her story with us, from her becoming a Dental Assistant at the tender age of 17 to her fascinating transition from the Practice Network to our Support Centre.

Partner Spotlight: Roch St-Aubin

Nov 21st, 2019

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we caught up with Dr. Roch St-Aubin to discuss his road to becoming a dentalcorp Partner, his work in the seniors community, and the importance of increasing access to care in dentistry.

Support Centre Team Member Spotlight: Elaine Powell

Oct 31st, 2019

I spent a rewarding 30 minutes with Elaine Powell, Compliance Auditor, who entertained and enlightened me with some amazing stories from her career as a dental professional, including what it was like commuting to work on a dog sled.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Rex Hawthorne

Oct 28th, 2019

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we sat down with Dr. Rex Hawthorne to discuss his road to success, the obstacles he’s faced along the way, and his newfound perspective on life.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Cindy Neufeld

Sep 30th, 2019

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we caught up with Dr. Cindy Neufeld to discuss her journey to partnership, the challenges and opportunities she’s faced as a woman in dentistry, and her advice for new dentists looking to move ahead in their careers.

Partner Spotlight: Drs. Lyle Pidzarko & Vern Beckie

Aug 22nd, 2019

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we sat down with Drs. Lyle Pidzarko and Vern Beckie, to discuss the evolution of dentistry, the challenges of running a business, and how to remain patient-centered in a busy and growing practice.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. John McGaw

Jul 17th, 2019

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we sat down with Dr. John McGaw to discuss his road to becoming a dentist and partner in an ever-changing field.

Partner Spotlight: Dr. Glenn Chan

Jun 20th, 2019

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we caught up with Dr. Glenn Chan to discuss excellence in patient care, how partnership has changed his clinical practice and his advice for future dentists.

Partner Spotlight: Drs. Larry Podolsky & David Mady

May 21st, 2019

We’re kicking off our Partner Spotlight series with dentalcorp’s first two Partners, Drs. Larry Podolsky and David Mady, who coincidentally joined dentalcorp on the same day in January 2012. Both have since played a pivotal role in our network’s foundation, growth and continued success.


cdsc 2020: networking with the future leaders of the dental industry

Feb 18th, 2020

We were pleased to support the Second Canadian Student Dental Conference as a lead sponsor in Vancouver last month. Members of the FCDSA brought together nearly 400 students from across all 10 Canadian dental schools to network and collaborate with fellow peers and industry professionals.

Inaugural ADP Live Event

Feb 12th, 2020

We were pleased to welcome the 2019 class of the dentalcorp Associate Development Program (ADP) to Toronto this past weekend for our inaugural ADP Live Event.

Community Involvement: ‘Tis the Season to Give

Dec 17th, 2019

As we continue to grow and thrive as a network, it becomes increasingly important to give back to the communities we serve. We are proud of the many teams across our network who gave generously to the less fortunate throughout the holiday season. Here are some seasonal highlights.

2019 Future of Dentistry Panel Series Recap

Dec 9th, 2019

We wrapped up our coast-to-coast Future of Dentistry Panel Series last week with our final event in Kamloops, BC. Throughout the spring and fall, leading, growth-oriented dentists from across the country gathered to discuss the shifting landscape of dentistry and rapid rise of Dental Service Organizations (DSOs).

Weekend Retreat: Bringing Together Women in Dentistry

Nov 12th, 2019

Earlier this month, we hosted leading female dentists from across the country for a weekend of learning and relaxation at the luxurious Sparkling Hill Resort & Spa. This annual event is dedicated to fostering a community of collaboration and support among women in dentistry.

2019 Career Development Week

Sep 17th, 2019

Our second annual Career Development Week was a success! Earlier this month, our dentalcorp Support Centre hosted a series of learning sessions, guest speakers and panel discussions, designed to support the personal and professional growth and development of all our team members.

2019 Summer Social

Jul 29th, 2019

Last week, our Support Centre team gathered for our quarterly Town Hall to hear updates on our company’s strategic initiatives and to celebrate team wins. Our team has grown substantially over this past quarter and it certainly showed in our numbers. With over 150 team members in attendance, this July marked our largest Town Hall yet.

2019 dentalcorp Associate Focus Group Event

Jun 17th, 2019

Last month, dentalcorp hosted its first Associate Focus Group event in Toronto. Associates from across Canada gathered to meet with dentalcorp’s Senior Leadership Team and dentist Partners to offer valuable insights into the dentalcorp Associate experience, while learning about the future direction of the company and its career development opportunities.

A Whistler Whirlwind: 2019 Partner Conference

Jun 13th, 2019

That’s a wrap! Our sixth annual Partner Conference in Whistler was a huge success thanks to our stellar guests, team members and sponsors. With more than 400 attendees from across Canada, this year marked our largest Partner Conference yet.

2019 Supplier Show: A Night at the Carnival

Jun 7th, 2019

We kicked off our 2019 Partner Conference in Whistler with our ‘A Night at the Carnival’ Supplier Show. Industry-leading suppliers gathered to showcase their products and services among our network’s esteemed clinicians.

2019 Wellness Week

May 17th, 2019

Excellence is a key value at dentalcorp as we demand the very best of ourselves each and every day. Our people are our priority and we are committed to helping them achieve both their personal and professional growth ambitions, including optimizing health and wellness. This month, we launched our first-ever Wellness Week, taking place May 6-10.

dentalcorp’s commitment to growth

Jul 4th, 2018

The week of June 25 represented Career Development Week at dentalcorp, an annual event focused on educating and empowering employees on how to best manage their careers so they can achieve both personal and professional growth.

Thank you for giving back

Jun 22nd, 2018

dentalcorp would like to thank everyone who made our 5th annual Give Back, Smile Back initiative a great success! Every April, in support of National Oral Health Month, dentalcorp practices participate in this charitable initiative, which provides free dental care to those in need.

Experiencing Old Québec at our 2018 Partner Conference

Mar 7th, 2018

On March 1st, dentalcorp Partners, guests, team members, and sponsors descended on Le Chateau Frontenac in Québec City for the 2018 Partner Conference.

The Bright Future of the Canadian Dental Industry

Jan 17th, 2018

Congratulations and well done to the students that organized and attended the First Canadian Student Dental Conference last week.

CDSC 2018: Preparing Students to Build a Career, Not Just a Practice

Nov 2nd, 2017

The first Canadian Dental Student Conference (CDSC) is an invaluable opportunity for students to learn from the best in the industry, network with peers and potential employers. The conference takes place in Toronto from January 12th to 13th, 2018.


The Journey of Partnership

Jun 14th, 2021

The Journey of Partnership

Combatting the Third Wave: Q&A with Dr. Kevin Katz

Apr 30th, 2021

Combatting the third wave: Q&A with Dr. Kevin Katz

The Journey of Partnership

Mar 18th, 2021

The Journey of Partnership

The Future of Dental Deals: valuations, lending conditions and more

Dec 14th, 2020

The Future of Dental Deals: valuations, lending conditions and more

Move, Breathe and Meditate with Dr. Bruce Freeman

Dec 4th, 2020

This session is a return to the true roots of yoga and concentrates on the postures of Hatha Yoga, including teachings in pranayama (breathing) and meditation to improve both your physical and mental well-being and provide tools to handle the stresses of your busy life.

Webinar: Providing patient care in the new normal

Aug 27th, 2020

Webinar: Providing patient care in the new normal

Webinar: Cybersecurity in the age of COVID-19

Aug 18th, 2020

Webinar: Cybersecurity in the age of COVID-19

Webinar: An Informative Discussion on dental and oral health research in Canada

Jul 23rd, 2020

Webinar: An Informative Discussion with distinguished dental academics about the projects they are leading including topics on aerosols, COVID-19, point of care, and more.

Webinar: Team Integration for Dental Sleep Apnea

Jun 29th, 2020

Webinar: Team Integration for Dental Sleep Apnea

Webinar: Mind Training to Control Stress and Anxiety

May 29th, 2020

Webinar: Mind Training to Control Stress and Anxiety

Webinar: Ask us Anything with Guy Amini and Julian Perez

May 22nd, 2020

COVID-19: Ask us Anything with Guy Amini and Julian Perez

An informative follow-up discussion with Dr. Kevin Katz

May 19th, 2020

COVID-19 in Canada: An informative follow-up discussion with Dr. Kevin Katz

Clearing the Air: Managing Aerosols in Dentistry during COVID-19

May 15th, 2020

Clearing the Air: Managing Aerosols in Dentistry during COVID-19

How Canada's Leading DSO is navigating COVID-19

May 7th, 2020

Henry Schein hosted webinar featuring Guy Amini

Webinar: a discussion with Guillaume Laverdure from Medicom

May 5th, 2020

Discussion with Medicom's COO and President North America, Guillaume Laverdure.

The Future of Dental Deals: a panel discussion

May 4th, 2020

The Future of Dental Deals

Digital Dentistry lecture with Dr. Scott MacLean

Apr 24th, 2020

Dr. MacLean discussed the basic components for a digital dentistry workflow,

Webinar: Everything students need to know about the effects of COVID-19 on dentistry

Apr 23rd, 2020

Guy Amini, President of dentalcorp, discusses the effects of COVID-19

Webinar: An Informative Discussion on mitigating risk and liability during COVID-19

Apr 21st, 2020

Webinar: An Informative Discussion with Harper Grey LLP

Webinar: An Informative Discussion with Gluskin Sheff

Apr 16th, 2020

Webinar: An Informative Discussion with Gluskin Sheff

Webinar: An Informative Discussion with Cy Elborne

Apr 7th, 2020

Webinar: An Informative Discussion with Cy Elborne, Henry Schein Canada

Webinar: An Informative Discussion with dentalcorp's Chief Dental Officer

Mar 24th, 2020

Webinar: An Informative Discussion with dentalcorp's Chief Dental Officer

Webinar: An informative discussion with Dr. Brian Rittenberg and dentalcorp's Julian Perez

Mar 20th, 2020

Webinar: An informative discussion with Dr. Brian Rittenberg

Webinar: An informative discussion with Dr. Kevin Katz and dentalcorp's Julian Perez

Mar 17th, 2020

Webinar: An informative discussion with Dr. Kevin Katz

In the news

Dentalcorp Welcomes New Practices in the Second Quarter of 2024

Aug 8th, 2024

Dentalcorp (TSX: DNTL), Canada's largest and one of North America’s fastest growing networks of dental practices, is pleased to welcome its new Partners and teams across the country. Dentalcorp prides itself on partnering with the nation’s top dental clinics, allowing dentists to retain their clinical autonomy while benefitting from access to comprehensive strategic resources and expertise. 

Dentalcorp Announces 2024 Academic Excellence Award Recipients

Jun 6th, 2024

Six outstanding students in oral healthcare awarded full tuition and career opportunities in their chosen fields

Dentalcorp Welcomes New Practices in the First Quarter of 2024

May 10th, 2024

Dentalcorp (TSX: DNTL), Canada's largest and one of North America’s fastest growing networks of dental practices, is pleased to welcome its new Partners and teams across the country. Dentalcorp prides itself on partnering with the nation’s top dental clinics, allowing dentists to retain their clinical autonomy while benefitting from access to comprehensive strategic resources and expertise. 

dentalcorp Welcomes New Practices in the Fourth Quarter of 2023

Mar 22nd, 2024

dentalcorp (TSX: DNTL), Canada's largest and one of North America’s fastest growing networks of dental practices, is pleased to welcome its new Partners and teams across the country. dentalcorp prides itself on partnering with the nation’s top dental clinics, allowing dentists to retain their clinical autonomy while benefitting from access to comprehensive strategic resources and expertise. 

dentalcorp Welcomes New Practices in the Second Quarter of 2023

Aug 8th, 2023

dentalcorp (TSX: DNTL), Canada's largest and one of North America’s fastest growing networks of dental practices, is pleased to welcome its new Partners and teams across the country. dentalcorp prides itself on partnering with the nation’s top dental clinics, allowing dentists to retain their clinical autonomy while benefitting from access to comprehensive strategic resources and expertise. 

dentalcorp and Bluelight Analytics Team Up to Provide MarketLeading Curing Light Technology Across Canada’s Largest DSO

May 24th, 2023

Canada’s largest and one of North America’s fastest-growing networks of dental practices, today announced a partnership with Bluelight Analytics.

dentalcorp Academic Excellence Award 2023 recipients announced

May 19th, 2023

Six outstanding students in oral healthcare awarded full tuition and career opportunities in their chosen fields

dentalcorp Welcomes New Practices in the First Quarter of 2023

May 12th, 2023

dentalcorp (TSX: DNTL), Canada's largest and one of North America’s fastest growing networks of dental practices, is pleased to welcome its new Partners and teams across the country. dentalcorp prides itself on partnering with the nation’s top dental clinics, allowing dentists to retain their clinical autonomy while benefitting from access to comprehensive strategic resources and expertise. 

dentalcorp Welcomes New Practices in the Fourth Quarter of 2022

Mar 23rd, 2023

dentalcorp (TSX: DNTL), Canada's largest and one of North America’s fastest growing networks of dental practices, is pleased to welcome its new Partners and teams across the country. dentalcorp prides itself on partnering with the nation’s top dental clinics, allowing dentists to retain their clinical autonomy while benefitting from access to comprehensive strategic resources and expertise. 

dentalcorp Welcomes New Practices in the Third Quarter of 2022

Nov 9th, 2022

dentalcorp (TSX: DNTL), Canada's largest and one of North America’s fastest growing networks of dental practices, is pleased to welcome its new Partners and teams across the country. dentalcorp prides itself on partnering with the nation’s top dental clinics, allowing dentists to retain their clinical autonomy while benefitting from access to comprehensive strategic resources and expertise. 

dentalcorp Wins Silver 2022 Brandon Hall Group Excellence Award

Oct 11th, 2022

dentalcorp, with its learning arm DC Institute, has been recognized with a Silver Brandon Hall Group award for excellence in the category of Best Learning Team. This is the fifth consecutive year that dentalcorp has been recognized for its industry-leading continuing education programs.

A letter from dentalcorp’s Guy Amini, President, and from Graham Rosenberg, CEO, dentalcorp

Sep 6th, 2022

Today marks dentalcorp’s 11th anniversary. As we look at our journey through the years, and our accomplishments along the way, we should be inspired. More important, however, is our future, and as we look forward to what’s in store, we have so much to be excited about.

Dr. Saman Salehizalani earns 2022 Dr. Gary Glassman Endodontic Achievement Award

Aug 15th, 2022

TORONTO, ON – August 11, 2022 – Graduating University of Toronto (U of T) dental student Dr. Saman Salehizalani has earned the 2022 Dr. Gary Glassman Endodontic Achievement Award.

dentalcorp Welcomes 28 new Practices in the Second Quarter of 2022

Aug 12th, 2022

dentalcorp (TSX: DNTL), Canada's largest and one of North America’s fastest growing networks of dental practices, is pleased to welcome its new Partners and teams across the country. dentalcorp prides itself on partnering with the nation’s top dental clinics, allowing dentists to retain their clinical autonomy while benefitting from access to comprehensive strategic resources and expertise.

dentalcorp and Envista partner to offer dental implants across 500+ practices nationwide

Jul 28th, 2022

dentalcorp Holdings Ltd. ("dentalcorp" or the "Company"), (TSX: DNTL), Canada's largest and one of North America's fastest growing networks of dental practices, announced today a new partnership with Envista to expand implant services to Canadians.

dentalcorp Announces the Appointment of Julian Perez to Chief Legal Officer

May 31st, 2022

dentalcorp Holdings Ltd. ("dentalcorp" or the "Company"), (TSX: DNTL), Canada's largest and one of North America’s fastest growing networks of dental practices, announced today the promotion of Julian Perez to Chief Legal Officer (CLO), commencing immediately.

dentalcorp Academic Excellence Award 2022 recipients announced

May 20th, 2022

dentalcorp, Canada's largest and one of North America's fastest growing networks of dental practices, has announced the 2022 winners of its national scholarship program that supports the next generation of oral healthcare professionals.  

dentalcorp Once Again Earns Platinum Distinction as One of Canada’s Best Managed Companies

May 10th, 2022

dentalcorp (TSX: DNTL), Canada's largest and North America’s fastest growing networks of dental practices, is pleased to announce that it has again achieved Platinum Club status as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies.

dentalcorp Achieves Major Industry Milestone, Acquiring 500 Practices

May 10th, 2022

Canada's largest and North America’s fastest growing networks of dental practices, is pleased to announce that it has welcomed 42 practices to its network in Q1 2022 and reached a major milestone of 500 Practices acquired since inception in 2011.

dentalcorp Invests $1-Million in Student Support and Well-being at the University of Alberta’s School of Dentistry

May 5th, 2022

Canada's largest and North America’s fastest growing networks of dental practices, today announced a $1 million gift in student support and well-being for the University of Alberta’s (U of A) School of Dentistry.

dentalcorp Signs Exclusive Partnership with Risio Institute to Fuel Growth of Certified Dental Assistants

Apr 22nd, 2022

Canada's largest and one of North America's fastest growing networks of dental practices, today announced an exclusive partnership with Risio Institute for Digital Dental Education, setting the foundation for a first-of-its-kind talent solution for training new Certified Dental Assistants across the dentalcorp network.

dentalcorp Strengthens Partnership with Align Technology

Mar 24th, 2022

dentalcorp (TSX: DNTL) Canada's largest and, one of North America’s fastest-growing networks of dental practices, today announced an extended partnership with Align Technology bolstering its offering of Invisalign® brand clear aligner treatment to Canadians nationwide through its Ortho Acceleration Program (OAP).  

$1-Million Gift to Drive Innovation in Digital Dentistry at McGill University

Mar 24th, 2022

Canada's largest and fastest growing network of dental practices, today announced a $1 million gift to drive innovation in digital dentistry at McGill University’s Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences.

dentalcorp to Match Dental Community Donations Supporting Urgent Humanitarian Aid Efforts in Ukraine

Mar 3rd, 2022

As Canadians, and as a network passionate about our shared values, we cannot and will not sit idly by. We stand with Ukraine.

dentalcorp Announces $100 Million Bought Deal Offering of Subordinate Voting Shares and Provides 2021 Business Update

Jan 5th, 2022

dentalcorp Holdings Ltd. ("dentalcorp" or the "Company") (TSX: DNTL), Canada's largest and fastest growing network of dental practices, today announced that it has entered into an agreement with a syndicate of underwriters (the “Underwriters”), led by CIBC Capital Markets, BMO Capital Markets and TD Securities Inc., who have agreed to purchase, on a "bought deal" basis, 6,135,000 subordinate voting shares (the “Shares”) of the Company from treasury at a price of $16.30 per Share for gross pr...

dentalcorp announces the appointment of Jeff Forbes as Chief Technology Officer

Nov 22nd, 2021

Toronto, ON – November 22, 2021 – dentalcorp Holdings Ltd. ("dentalcorp" or the "Company"), (TSX: DNTL), Canada’s largest and fastest growing network of dental practices, announced today the appointment of Jeff Forbes as Chief Technology Officer (CTO), commencing early January 2022.

dentalcorp President named among Canada’s Top 40 Under 40® for 2021

Nov 18th, 2021

TORONTO, ON – November 18, 2021 – dentalcorp Holdings Ltd. ("dentalcorp" or the "Company"), (TSX: DNTL), is pleased to announce that President, Guy Amini, has been named one of Canada's Top 40 Under 40®, Caldwell's annual leadership award recognizing exceptional professional achievement by young Canadians.

dentalcorp Quarterly Practice Update – Q3 2021

Nov 15th, 2021

TORONTO, November 12, 2021 – dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental practices, welcomed 15 Practices to its network in the third quarter of 2021. dentalcorp prides itself on partnering with the nation’s top dental clinics, allowing dentists to retain their clinical autonomy while benefitting from access to comprehensive strategic resources and expertise.

dentalcorp, Canada’s top dental practice network, offers team members and their families comprehensive virtual well-being services free of cost

Oct 10th, 2021

Toronto, ON – October 10, 2021 – dentalcorp Holdings Ltd. ("dentalcorp" or the "Company"), (TSX: DNTL), Canada’s largest and fastest-growing network of dental practices, today announced a new partnership with Dialogue Health Technologies Inc. ("Dialogue") (TSX: CARE), Canada’s leading Employee and Family Assistance Program provider.

dentalcorp announces the appointment of Martin Fecko as Chief Marketing Officer

Oct 6th, 2021

Toronto, ON - October 6, 2021 – dentalcorp Holdings Ltd. ("dentalcorp" or the "Company"), (TSX: DNTL), Canada’s largest and fastest growing network of dental practices, announced today the appointment of Martin Fecko as Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), commencing October 25, 2021.

Dr. Gary Glassman 2021 Endodontic Achievement Award recognizes Dr. Ahmed Al-Ali

Sep 13th, 2021

TORONTO, ON – September 10, 2021 – Graduating University of Toronto (U of T) dental student Dr. Ahmed Al-Ali is the recipient of the 2021 Dr. Gary Glassman Endodontic Achievement Award.

dentalcorp Receives Two Silver 2021 Brandon Hall Group Excellence Awards

Sep 8th, 2021

dentalcorp, with its learning arm DC Institute, has been recognized with two Silver Brandon Hall Group awards for excellence in the categories of Best Use of Video for Learning and Best Use of Blended Learning

Nominations now open for 2021 Leaders in Practice awards

Sep 1st, 2021

TORONTO – September 1, 2021 – dentalcorp, Canada’s largest and fastest-growing network of dental practices, announced that nominations for the 2021 Leaders in Practice awards are now open.

Gift from dentalcorp to support critical skills shortage

Aug 27th, 2021

KELOWNA, August 27, 2021 – With shortages of Certified Dental Assistants (CDAs) across Canada, dentalcorp is investing in a local solution with a gift to the Our Students, Your Health campaign.

BNN Bloomberg: The Close - August 11, 2021

Aug 12th, 2021

dentalcorp Quarterly Practice Update – Q2 2021

Aug 11th, 2021

TORONTO, August 11, 2021 – dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental practices, welcomed 20 Practices to its network in the second quarter of 2021. dentalcorp prides itself on partnering with the nation’s top dental clinics, allowing dentists to retain their clinical autonomy while benefitting from access to comprehensive strategic resources and expertise.

dentalcorp and Loblaw Companies Ltd. bring digital dental health services to Canadians

Aug 9th, 2021

TORONTO, August 9, 2021 - dentalcorp Holdings Ltd. (TSX: DNTL) ("dentalcorp" or “the Company"), Canada’s largest network of dental practices, today announced a strategic partnership with Loblaw Companies Limited (TSX: L) to be the exclusive provider of oral care education and dental health services for users of the PC Health app.

dentalcorp makes for largest IPO on TSX this year

May 27th, 2021

dentalcorp Closes Initial Public Offering and Concurrent Private Placement for Gross Proceeds of Approximately $950 Million

May 27th, 2021

TORONTO, May 27, 2021 /CNW/ - dentalcorp Holdings Ltd. ("dentalcorp" or the "Company"), Canada's leading network of dental practices, announced today the closing of its initial public offering (the "Offering") of 50,000,000 subordinate voting shares of the Company ("Subordinate Voting Shares") at a price of $14.00 per share, for total gross proceeds of $700,000,000.00.

680 NEWS: dentalcorp's Debut

May 27th, 2021

Graham Rosenberg, CEO and Founder of dentalcorp, joined 680 NEWS' Stuart McGinn to discuss the company’s new listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: DNTL) and its impressive accomplishment as the largest healthcare IPO in Canadian history, and the largest IPO on the TSX so far this year.

dentalcorp Virtually Opens the Market

May 25th, 2021

Graham Rosenberg, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, dentalcorp Holdings Ltd. (“dentalcorp” or the “Company”) (TSX: DNTL), and his team joined Robert Peterman, Vice President, Global Business Development, TMX Group to celebrate the Company's new listing on Toronto Stock Exchange and open the market.

dentalcorp raises $950-million in IPO despite challenging pandemic year

May 21st, 2021

dentalcorp Academic Excellence Award 2021 recipients announced

May 21st, 2021

dentalcorp, Canada’s largest and leading network of dental clinics, has announced the 2021 winners of its national scholarship program.

dentalcorp Announces Pricing of Initial Public Offering and Concurrent Private Placement for Gross Proceeds of Approximately $950 Million

May 20th, 2021

TORONTO, ON – May 20, 2021 – dentalcorp Holdings Ltd. ("dentalcorp" or the “Company”) today announced that it has obtained a receipt for its final base PREP prospectus filed with the securities regulatory authorities in each of the provinces and territories of Canada and has entered into an underwriting agreement for its initial public offering of subordinate voting shares (the “Offering”). The Offering consists of a treasury offering of 50,000,000 subordinate voting shares of the Company at...

dentalcorp Files Amended and Restated Preliminary Prospectus for $700 Million Initial Public Offering

May 6th, 2021

TORONTO, ON – May 6, 2021 – dentalcorp Holdings Ltd. ("dentalcorp" or the “Company”) announced today that it has filed with the securities regulatory authorities in each of the provinces and territories of Canada, and obtained a receipt for, an amended and restated preliminary base PREP prospectus (the “Amended and Restated Preliminary Prospectus”), which amends and restates the preliminary base PREP prospectus filed by the Company on April 30, 2021 in connection with its initial public offe...

dentalcorp receives prestigious Platinum Club distinction by Canada’s Best Managed Companies

May 5th, 2021

TORONTO, ON – May 5, 2021 – dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental practices, is pleased to announce it has been recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for the seventh consecutive year, receiving the highest distinction as a Platinum Club member.

Partner Spotlight: Drs. Ernie & Dan Wotton

May 4th, 2021

In this month’s Partner Spotlight, we caught up with Drs. Ernie and Dan Wotton, brothers and well-respected dentists, to discuss their influences behind their choice of profession, their unique journeys to partnership, and what they’re most proud of accomplishing in their careers. As principal dentists, Ernie and Dan both run thriving practices on opposite coasts in Nova Scotia and British Columbia, respectively.

(Breakfast Television) Tips for a Healthy Mouth and Happy Smile

Apr 27th, 2021

dentalcorp Quarterly Practice Update – Q1 2021

Apr 1st, 2021

TORONTO, April 1, 2021 – dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental practices, welcomed 16 Practices to its network in the first quarter of 2021. dentalcorp prides itself on partnering with the nation’s top dental clinics, allowing dentists to retain their clinical autonomy while benefitting from access to comprehensive strategic resources and expertise.

International Women’s Day 2021: Celebrating Women in Dentistry

Mar 5th, 2021

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we sat down with two of our remarkable Partners Drs. Mary-Anne MacDonald and Jill Bashutski to discuss their unique journeys into dentistry, the opportunities and challenges they’ve experienced in their careers, and their commitment to developing the next generation of female leaders.

dentalcorp completes $200 million capital raise

Feb 9th, 2021

TORONTO, February 10, 2021 – dentalcorp (the “Company”), Canada’s largest network of dental clinics, announced today it has raised an additional $200 million, bringing the total to $500 million of capital commitments raised by the Company in the past twelve months. The capital will be used to fund the Company’s acquisition program, and its continued investment in technologies to advance the patient experience and overall clinical agenda.

(Oral Health) Office Space: Capitol Dentistry

Jan 29th, 2021

Appointment of Chief People Officer

Jan 7th, 2021

dentalcorp announced today the appointment of Nicola Deall to its Senior Leadership Team as Chief People Officer.

dentalcorp Quarterly Practice Update – Q4 2020

Jan 6th, 2021

dentalcorp, Canada’s largest network of dental practices, welcomed 29 Practices to its thriving network in the final quarter of 2020. dentalcorp prides itself on partnering with the nation’s top dental clinics, allowing dentists to retain their clinical autonomy while benefitting from access to comprehensive strategic resources and expertise.

(CityNews) Quebec dentists ready to administer vaccine

Dec 29th, 2020

dentalcorp Quarterly Practice Update – Q4 2020

Dec 23rd, 2020

TORONTO, January 4, 2021 – dentalcorp, Canada’s largest network of dental practices, welcomed 29 Practices to its thriving network in the final quarter of 2020. dentalcorp prides itself on partnering with the nation’s top dental clinics, allowing dentists to retain their clinical autonomy while benefitting from access to comprehensive strategic resources and expertise.

(National Post) What is ‘mask mouth’ and how can you avoid it?

Dec 23rd, 2020

(National Post) Dental office protocols put patient safety above all else

Dec 21st, 2020

'Tis the Season for Giving: Introducing 26 Acts of Kindness

Dec 21st, 2020

The season of giving is upon us. Perhaps this year more than any other in recent memory, people in our communities are in need of support, of human connection, and of direction – many of us want to help make a difference but are feeling powerless at the same time. How does one make an impact during a pandemic?

dentalcorp supports dentists’ participation in vaccine roll out

Dec 18th, 2020

Toronto, Ontario – December 18, 2020 – As essential healthcare professionals, dentists have been on the front-lines of the fight against COVID-19 in 2020, providing exceptional, trusted care to Canadians from coast to coast to coast. As Canada’s largest vaccination program in history rolls out across the country, the provincial governments of Manitoba and Quebec have expanded the list of who is able to administer the vaccine, calling on dentists and other allied health professionals to parti...

(National Post) How to keep on top of your oral health during the pandemic

Dec 17th, 2020

dentalcorp leads the industry in care by putting Canadian COVID concerns at ease

Nov 30th, 2020

TORONTO, Nov. 30, 2020 /CNW/ - At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, the vast majority of dental practices in Canada were ordered to close. Despite being widely declared as safe for several months now, many are still reluctant to visit the dentist. In fact, only 36 per cent of Canadians have been to the dentist since restrictions have lifted. The pandemic has necessitated significant implementation of safety protocols in the dental industry. Leading the way is dentalcorp, Can...

dentalcorp places on the 2020 Growth List of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies with 5-year revenue growth of 364%

Oct 15th, 2020

Toronto, Ontario – October 15, 2020 – dentalcorp, Canada's leading network of dental practices, is pleased to announce that, for the second year in a row, it has placed on the Growth List – the definitive ranking of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies. This year, dentalcorp ranked 2nd for companies with over $500mm in revenues.

Recipient of the 2020 Dr. Gary Glassman Endodontic Achievement Award Announced

Oct 7th, 2020

Dr. Jessica Yu Hsuan Hung selected based on academic and clinical excellence.

dentalcorp posts 105% three-year revenue growth in The Globe and Mail Top Growing Companies ranking

Sep 25th, 2020

dentalcorp posts 105% three-year revenue growth in The Globe and Mail Top Growing Companies ranking: Achieves second spot in companies with more than $500 million in revenue

Wrapping up the Summer 2020 Intern Program

Aug 31st, 2020

Last week we bid farewell to our Summer 2020 interns, after sixteen weeks of personal and professional growth and remarkable contributions. The enthusiasm, teamwork, and ingenuity demonstrated by these individuals -  who joined us in the midst of the pandemic -  was inspiring.

dentalcorp Receives Gold 2020 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Award for innovative Associate Development Program

Aug 27th, 2020

For the third straight year, dentalcorp, in partnership with their learning arm DC Institute, has been recognized with the Brandon Hall Group HCM (Human Capital Management) Excellence Award for its industry leading continuing education programs in dentistry.

dentalcorp welcomes leading oral surgery practice group to network

Aug 25th, 2020

dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental practices, has proudly partnered with the Crescent Oral Surgery group of practices.

dentalcorp appoints Dr. Bruce Freeman to spearhead its new Patient Experience program

Jun 30th, 2020

dentalcorp, Canada’s largest and leading network of dental practices, ]announced today the appointment of Dr. Bruce Freeman as Director of Patient Experience in a newly created role to further the organization’s commitment to optimal patient care and service excellence.

Academic Excellence Award Recipient: Bianka Bernath

Jun 4th, 2020

Bianka Bernath has been selected as one of three students in  Canada to receive dentalcorp’s Academic Excellence Award. In its inaugural year, the program reimburses one graduating student from each of dentistry, dental hygiene, and dental assisting programs from accredited institutions with full program tuition reimbursement and a position in a dentalcorp practice.

Academic Excellence Award Recipient: Raelynn Wickstrom

May 29th, 2020

Raelynn Wickstrom is one of three students in Canada who has been selected to receive dentalcorp’s Academic Excellence Award. The program reimburses one graduating student from each of dentistry, dental hygiene, and dental assisting programs from accredited institutions with full program tuition reimbursement and a position in a dentalcorp practice.

Academic Excellence Award Recipient: Jona Szakacs

May 22nd, 2020

Last week, Jona Szakacs learned that he was one of three students in the country to receive dentalcorp’s Academic Excellence Award. The newly launched program reimburses one graduating student from each of dentistry, dental hygiene, and dental assisting programs from accredited institutions with full program tuition reimbursement and a position in a dentalcorp practice.

dentalcorp Academic Excellence Award recipients announced

May 15th, 2020

dentalcorp Academic Excellence Award recipients announced

The virtual waiting room, a Critical Tool for Dental Practices to Ensure Patient and Provider Safety

May 6th, 2020

dentalcorp partners with CareCru to announce a critical tool for dental practices implementing re-opening protocols that ensure patient and provider safety - the virtual waiting room

dentalcorp Launches Free Online Screening Tool to Help Flatten the Curve

Apr 27th, 2020

TORONTO, ON – April 27, 2020 – dentalcorp, Canada’s largest network of dental practices, announced today the nationwide launch of a free virtual dental triage service in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

dentalcorp donates significant shipment of personal protective equipment to local hospitals in fight against COVID-19

Apr 15th, 2020

TORONTO, ON – April 15, 2020 – dentalcorp, Canada’s largest network of dental practices, announced today it has donated a substantial supply of gloves and surgical masks to two Toronto hospitals—The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and North York General Hospital—to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic. 

dentalcorp recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for sixth consecutive year

Mar 5th, 2020

dentalcorp, Canada’s largest and leading network of dental practices, is pleased to announce it has been recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies in 2020 for business excellence. With Gold Standard distinction, this marks the sixth consecutive year dentalcorp has received this award.

National scholarship established for oral healthcare students

Feb 19th, 2020

Toronto, ON – February 19, 2020 – dentalcorp, Canada’s largest and leading network of dental clinics, announced the creation of a new scholarship program that supports the next generation of oral healthcare professionals. Each year, one graduating student in dentistry, dental hygiene, and dental assisting programs at Canadian institutions will have their tuition fees fully reimbursed and receive a multi-year contract at a dentalcorp practice.

dentalcorp welcomes Reetu Gupta as Chief Marketing Officer

Jan 16th, 2020

Toronto, ON – January 16, 2020 – dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental practices, announced today the appointment of Reetu Gupta as Chief Marketing Officer.

dentalcorp and DC Institute Successfully Launch Implant Mini Residency Program

Dec 5th, 2019

dentalcorp and DC Institute were pleased to launch an Implant Mini Residency Program in 2019 in collaboration with BioHorizons. This intensive program took doctors through the foundations of surgical and prosthetic implant dentistry over the course of 3 weekend sessions held throughout the year.

New endowment fund established for U of T Faculty of Dentistry

Oct 10th, 2019

Toronto, ON – October 10, 2019 – dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental clinics, announced today the creation of a new endowment fund by its Chief Dental Officer, Dr. Gary Glassman. This new achievement award recognizes and supports undergraduate dental students at the University of Toronto, and highlights Dr Glassman’s commitment to higher education.

dentalcorp Receives Gold 2019 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Award

Oct 4th, 2019

Toronto, ON – October 4, 2019 – For the second year running, dentalcorp, in partnership with DC Institute, has been recognized with the Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Award for its industry leading continuing education programs in dentistry. This year, the company was honoured with Gold – the highest designation – in the category of “Best Use of Blended Learning” for its Practice Manager New Hire Onboarding program.

$1-million gift from dentalcorp helps Western advance the future of dentistry

Sep 26th, 2019

Toronto, ON – September 26, 2019 – Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry will be able to enhance the learning experience for students and alumni alike, thanks to a significant $1-million gift from dentalcorp – the leading and largest network of dental clinics in Canada.

dentalcorp earns top 100 spot on 2019 Growth 500 ranking of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies

Sep 20th, 2019

dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental clinics, is pleased to announce today it has been named among the top 100 on the 2019 Growth 500 ranking of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies.

dentalcorp donates largest gift in USask College of Dentistry history

Sep 12th, 2019

TORONTO – September 12, 2019 – dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental clinics, is pleased to announce today it has donated a $1,050,000 gift to the University of Saskatchewan (USask)’s College of Dentistry, the largest gift the college has received since its inception in 1968.

dentalcorp announces formation of new Advisory Council

Aug 1st, 2019

Toronto, Ontario – August 1, 2019 – dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental clinics, is pleased to announce today its new Advisory Council, comprised of industry-leading dentists and practice leaders from across the country.

Newly named dentalcorp simulation lab: A training ground for oral health care professionals

Apr 29th, 2019

On Wednesday, April 24, the Faculty of Dentistry’s simulation lab was officially named in recognition of a $1 million gift from dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental clinics.

2018 Leaders in Practice Award Winners!

Apr 17th, 2019

Our inaugural Leaders in Practice award program was a tremendous success! We received over 550 nominations and 15,000+ votes from across the country.

dentalcorp announces promotion of Guy Amini to President

Apr 15th, 2019

dentalcorp is pleased to announce the promotion of Guy Amini to President of the organization, effective immediately. Since September 2014, Guy has been Chief Legal and Compliance Officer, playing a key role in dentalcorp’s significant growth and development.

dentalcorp commences 6th annual Give Back, Smile Back program in celebration of Oral Health Month

Apr 2nd, 2019

TORONTO, ON – April 2, 2019 – dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental practices, is pleased to announce today the commencement of its sixth annual Give Back, Smile Back program in celebration of National Oral Health Month.

dentalcorp named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for fifth consecutive year

Mar 7th, 2019

dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental practices, is pleased to announce today it has been named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies in 2019 for business excellence. With Gold Standard distinction, this marks the fifth consecutive year dentalcorp has received this award.

dentalcorp announces shortlist for national ‘Leaders in Practice’ award program

Jan 2nd, 2019

dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental practices, is pleased to announce today the shortlist for its national Leaders in Practice award program.

Offering support to Core Dental Group Patients and Staff

Dec 27th, 2018

dentalcorp and its dentist Partners will be opening its doors to patients and staff left stranded after a series of Core Dental Group clinics in Edmonton suddenly shut down.

dentalcorp announces the appointment of Chief Operating Officer

Nov 6th, 2018

Matthew brings years of diversified operations management experience to his new role at dentalcorp.

dentalcorp is proud to support student run clinic DIRECT Dental as principal sponsor

Oct 20th, 2018

With the support of the university and $25,000 in funding from dentalcorp, a group of senior dental students founded DIRECT Dental with the goal of offering free oral care to those in need.

dentalcorp introduces national ‘Leaders in Practice’ peer recognition program

Oct 1st, 2018

dentalcorp, Canada’s leading network of dental practices, is pleased to announce today its national Leaders in Practice peer recognition program.

dentalcorp Receives 2018 Brandon Hall Group Excellence Award

Sep 5th, 2018

We are proud to announce that dentalcorp is a 2018 recipient of a Silver Brandon Hall Group’s Excellence Award!

dentalcorp Completes US $908 million Debt Financing

Jun 7th, 2018

Proceeds from the Financing will be used to refinance the Company’s existing debt facilities and support its growth agenda.

Significant Strategic Investment from L Catterton

Apr 30th, 2018

dentalcorp receives significant strategic investment from L Catterton to support the next stage of the Company’s evolution

For the Fourth Year in a Row

Mar 8th, 2018

dentalcorp has been named a Gold Member of Canada’s Best Managed Companies in 2017 for business excellence.

Another Milestone

Nov 16th, 2017

We are proud to announce the completion of a $1 billion debt raise, which will be used to support our growth ambitions.

Announcing Chief Dental Officer, Dr. Gary Glassman

Oct 5th, 2017

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Gary Glassman as Chief Dental Officer.

Announcing innovative continuing education for dental professionals

May 31st, 2017

We are pleased to announce the launch of the next phase of DC Institute, which now offers all dental professionals across Canada access to enhanced and innovative continuing education opportunities.

A Special Address from the CEO

Apr 13th, 2017

Our four key values of integrity, innovation, collaboration, and excellence drive us to achieve more. We are privileged to be part of such a talented and successful network of intelligent and compassionate people who serve their communities.

dentalcorp Partners with The Alex Dental Health Bus, Ensuring Continued Access to Care for Calgarians in Need

Jan 13th, 2017

dentalcorp, Canada's largest network of dental practices, today committed a $150,000 sponsorship to The Alex Dental Health Bus, ensuring the continuation of important dental care services free of charge for children and families in need in Calgary.

dentalcorp and Sinai Health System partner to form the Centre for Advanced Dental Research & Care

Sep 20th, 2016

The Centre for Advanced Dental Research & Care, a clinical and research partnership between Sinai Health System and the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, with the philanthropic and leadership support of dentalcorp, was announced today.

Graham Rosenberg selected as Entrepreneur Of The Year Ontario 2015 for Business Services

Oct 30th, 2015

Graham Rosenberg, CEO & Co-Founder of dentalcorp, was amongst those honoured at the annual EY Entrepreneur of the Year gala.

Dental Corporation named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies

Mar 10th, 2015

Dental Corporation of Canada Inc. (“Dental Corp.”) has been named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies in 2014 for business excellence.

The Canadian Business Journal: Revolutionizing the Business of Dentistry

Dec 30th, 2014

Business sophistication and collaboration have propelled Dental Corporation of Canada (DCC) to become a world-class business partner of choice...

Dental Corporation Commits $250,000 to Paediatric Dentistry in Canada

Sep 15th, 2014

This multi-year philanthropic commitment is an important part of its overall corporate social responsibility platform.

Dental Corporation announces Chief Financial Officer Appointment

Aug 18th, 2014

Dental Corporation of Canada, Canada's largest network of dental practices, today announced the appointment of Tom Weber as Chief Financial Officer effective September 2, 2014.

Imperial Capital and OPTrust Partner with Dental Corporation

Jul 28th, 2014

Imperial Capital Group of Toronto, together with its partner OPTrust Private Markets Group (“OPTrust”), is pleased to announce that it has completed a $121 million investment in Dental Corporation of Canada Holdings Inc.

This is what you have been practicing for

Nov 13th, 2012

Dental Corporation profile in Dental Practice Management Magazine.

On the road

The Modernization of Mayflower

Dec 15th, 2023

Sydney, Nova Scotia’s Mayflower Dental Clinic renovation significantly improves employee satisfaction and patient experience.
